I was pleased with last night's 5-2 win over the Phillies at RFK. Soriano was an offensive threat again. Getting on base 4 times, scoring 4 times and hitting his 23rd homer, a blast off the left field wall above the Phillies Bullpen. And, while everyone is talking about Damian Jackson's 9th inning catch, Damian misplayed a screaming liner off the bat of Aaron Rowand hit directly at him. Jackson first turned to his left, then back to his right before realizing the ball was over his left shoulder. Jackson pirouetted back to his left and snared the ball, as it was behind him, crashing on his back in deep dead center. It was a marvelous recovery, but it doesn't make up for what he did in the top of the 3rd inning. With 2 outs, Jimmy Rollins comes to the plate and hits a liner to left center, that Jackson, running to his right, tries to backhand. It bounces off his glove and rolls 5 feet more to his right. Instead of running after the ball, Jackson jogs without any effort to pick up the ball. Rollins sees this and runs full speed around first and floors it towards second base. Jackson, his back to the infield, loafs over to the ball, AND WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING, lobs the ball toward second base. Rollins is safely into second. The entire RFK STADIUM CROWD Booed him, and rightly so. On the very next pitch, Chase Utley, slammed a double down the right field line, scoring Rollins and tying the game at 1-1. Then, when the inning ended, Jackson proved what a jerk he really is. As he was jogging/walking off the field, two fans standing behind the Nats 3rd base dugout were giving it to him. Jackson stops on the top step of the dugout (and I don't know what these guys said to him) and shouted back to the fans "FUCK YOU!! YOU GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLES!!" And that's an exact quote. And stepped down into the dugout.
I don't care what the situation is, Damian Jackson should have just shut up and gone into the dugout. Instead he decided to add fuel to the fire and, as such, has lost whatever respect I had left for him. Damian Jackson has got to go. Its bad enough he is a marginal player, but he's obviously a terrible human being.
Okay, so I didn't see Jackson's lousy behavior on the Web Gem segment, and I agree, that's inexcusable.
I reck'n (and hope) that he felt bad about the whole botched play, and hearing all about it from a couple of fans was probably the last thing he wanted to hear, considering what he was probably expecting from Frank once he got to the dugout proper, but that's what you gotta expect when you blow a play so badly (I did see it later, on ESPN news), and so you suck it up, and be a professional. Of all the players on the current roster, he's gotta realize that he is not exactly at the top of the inexpendable list...
I just hope he heard all about it from his fellow players, and maybe that'll drill some sense into him.
Who knows, maybe that was the reason for the extra effort he put into that 9th inning catch. We'll have to see how this shakes out...
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