You knew it had to come sooner or later--Our General Manager would go after the man he loves so much--Wily Mo Pena. Today, Our Washington Nationals acquired Pena from The Boston Red Sox for a player to be named later. Bowden first acquired him from The New York Yankees while he was THE REDS GM. Its been rumored for what seems like AGES--Jimbo still wanted him.

Obviously he did--and apparently gave away nothing to receive him. Although I am not a big fan of the BIG GUY--So be it. If Wily Mo Pena is cheap--you might as well add him into the mix. Besides--who continues to have an "All Comers Meet" like Our Washington Nationals.
More Importantly--Who gets the short stick? Does My Main Man!! Ryan Church move to center and Nook Logan to the bench? Or, vice verse? And Ultimately, Who gets moved off the 25 Man Roster tonight?

After all the rumors and speculation--Our General Manager Got Him For Nothing.
So,Here We Go With Wily Mo!!
willy mo and austin kearns reunited again.
Langerhans must go off the roster: to quote the mortgage re-finace hustler on the Nats broadcasts: "The Biggest No-brainer in the History of Earth!"
No way they diminish Church's trade value, and Login is fine defensive replacement, and pinch-runner.
I like this move since we gave away nothing for what will be nothing in the long run, and it gets it out of Bow-Bow's system: any truth to rumour that Milt Pappas will now be picked up, too?
Trust in Kasten. All Good.
At the risk of sounding nit- picky, I believe it's Wily, not Willy. Wily has been passed around like a hot potato and for good reason, he strikes out a lot and his fielding skills are lacking. We already have a sufficient number of big whiffers. The Red Sox gave up a front line pitcher (Bronson Arroyo) to the Reds for him and it now looks like they are so anxious to dispose of him that they are giving him away.
Wily Moe has stuck out in 35% of his at bats over his career. He has 323 career hits and 436 whiffs. Bowden is really a sucker for players with these credentials. Get ready to hold your nose.
Amen, Phil Dunn! This is depressing. Jim Bowden LOVES these guys who hit the ball a mile (when they hit it), yet strike out every 2.7 at-bats. Remember Preston Wilson? Bowden HAD to have him, but Preston sure provided very little (unless you're a fan of the strikeout or rally-killing DP) while he was here. In fact, the Nats fortunes seemed to take a turn for the worse after Mr. Wilson arrived. Also, check out Wily Mo's fielding stats. Wily Mo Pena is a defensive liability. Who's next? May I recommend Adam Dunn? Adam Dunn fits the profile. He's a bad fielding, 40-homer, 190-strike out former Red that Jimbo covets. How much longer before the other (not Phil) Dunn finds his way to DC? Adam Dunn makes Frank Howard and Alfonso Soriano look like Gold Glovers. Phil Dunn makes Nats fans look smarter than their general manager.
Please Mr. Kasten, put a leash on the GM before it gets really ugly.
The big question is who is the player to be named later. I hope it is not one of our prospects. I still have not recovered from the Junior Spivey and Preston Wilson trades.
Coming from a Met fan.. I think it's a good deal for the Nats..
With 550 Ab's a year, i think he can really help the Nats, especially in the new ballpark.
Yeah, I agree the player, whomever he is--better not be anything good. Pena's not worth it.
Agreed that he is a terrible fielder. Like SenatorNat said, maybe this will get Bowden's Cincinnati Craving Out of The Way.
I'd actually prefer we keep Langerhans and move Nook. Langerhans is a much, much better fielder. Nook keeps diving because his first step is always away from where the ball is going.
Well, as a Sox fan who has followed him recently, he did have a couple of years with good power numbers for the Reds (26 and 19 HR) and then hit .301 for the Sox last year. Definitely a defensive liability. But still a very young guy. Only 25. Can hit the ball a mile when he connects. Maybe some time with him focusing on contact and allowing him more at bats, who knows? Ortiz didn't blossom until the Sox gave him a chance to be an everyday player.
Kid can hit! I dont care if he Ks a ton...he has TONS of power. Manny says he is going to hit 6th, and platoon with Church. I guess this means Langerhans stays (dammmit!). Chicos gone.
The thing I don't understand about the Wily Mo deal is the plan to platoon him with Church. True, Church can't hit lefties, but Logan can't hit anyone. This recent hot streak for Logan is a fluke, and he's already starting to fall out of it. His head has never been in the game. The word on Wily Mo is that he needs to play every day to realize his potential. So why not Wily Mo in left and Church in center every day, with Logan as the late-inning defensive replacement and pinch runner? Or, if Church must be platooned so he doesn't face lefties, why not platoon him with Logan in center and let Wily Mo play every day in left? It's good that we got something for almost nothing with Wily Mo, but in order to really know what it is we've got, he needs to play every day.
an briosca mor: I completely agree that Church should move to center and Logan to the bench. It is a fluke what Nook has accomplished lately. I would much rather have the power in the lineup, than a no hit centerfielder.
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