Exactly two years ago this very March 27th evening, Our Washington Nationals entire team walked into the nearly completed Nationals Park for the very first time. Nats320 was there to cover the moment. Still memorable in so many ways for the looks and expressions of amazement on every single player, coach and invited guest on the field and in the clubhouse that night.

A Milestone Moment worth acknowledging again. Yet, it seems so very long ago. Of course, three nights later, Ryan Zimmerman would christen the new ballpark on Opening Night.
PS--The picture of Ryan Zimmerman, Austin Kearns & Nick Johnson staring at the HD Scoreboard at Nationals Park that evening still one of the best pictures ever on Nats320.
All Photos Copyrighted--Nats320--All Rights Reserved
Too bad ownership was too cheap to support the team.... It all could have been very different if they had done what they should have done and gone out and gotten some real talent. Remember they told everyone left and right "once we get the new stadium we will win....." and "with the new stadium we'll be able to have the revenue to..." When that proved to be baloney their credibility was shot... I still think fielding a winner could change things quickly...
A milestone for me was March 29th 2008, when I got to go to the last exhibition game against the Orioles before the season started. It was so cold I wore 2 sweatshirts AND a coat but the stadium was so beautiful and the crowds so happy...and we won! I think it was also the first time I saw an outfielder wearing Number 1make an amazing catch in left field...and found out his name was Willie Harris. I've been a big fan of his since. (Always wonder about the change of number, though...) I have a really good feeling about the club this year and think they are on the right path. Remember, some of their revenue problems has to do with the recession. A lot to do with the bad decisions of Bowden. I have a sense that the new management will deliver... but no, I am not expecting us to be in the playoffs...but beating the Mets in the standings would sure be swell.
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