Confirmed to Nats320 today by WTOP--there is a near certainty--Our Washington Nationals will have one Standard FM and one HD FM radio signal added to their radio network beginning in late May, 2010. But understand, these are baby steps.
Jeffrey Wolinsky, WTOP's National Director of Sales/Sports Sales Manager telling Nats320 that Bonneville Broadcasting (WTOP's Owner) is looking to have Charlie Slowes & Dave Jageler heard on HD-Radio 107.7FM HD-2 when they begin broadcasting WFED in HD. And under FCC rules that will allow WFED & Nationals Radio Broadcasts to be repeated on 104.3 FM in Leesburg, Virginia. There is also a possibility both 107.7FM HD-2 & 104.3FM will be carrying those Nationals broadcasts by Mid-May.
The 1500-AM signal is not affected in any way. The Nationals Radio Games will continue on WFED's originating station.
107.7FM HD-2 can only be heard on HD Radios. 104.3FM is a standard radio broadcast signal.
Mr. Wolinsky stating these additions are not specifically aimed at getting Our Washington Nationals just on FM Radio, but more towards having a greater reach of coverage for the team--including AM Radio. WTOP is also closing in on an Ocean City, Maryland signal for Charlie & Dave. Apparently, a one-time affiliate of The Baltimore Orioles is interested in carrying Washington Major League Baseball Games now.
There are no ratings on how many listen to HD Radio anywhere in this country, but to help promote the upcoming changes--WTOP is considering HD-Radio Giveaways in conjunction with the start-up of 107.FM HD-2 and Nationals Games. Recently, Former Washington Redskins Great, John Riggins, gave away HD Radios to promote his afternoon HD broadcasts on WTOP's 103.5 FM HD3 station.
How about an affiliate on the eastern shore? Thousands and thousands of people from the DC area vacation and weekend at the Maryland and Del. beaches, but you can't get the Nats. You can now get the Orioles, but not the Nats!
And Mediacom cable does not carry MASN in HD! Shame...
Customer Service Man--please read the story, WTOP is working to add a Maryland Eastern Shore/Ocean City Station right now.
I'll be happy to hear the Nats on an OC affilate this summer, but am I correct in understanding that even if you got an HD radio, Maryland Nats fans will be out of range for 107.7HD and only a few MD Nats fans in western Montgomery County will be able to pick up 104.3? It's bad enough that I have to keep explaining that living in Maryland does not mean you're obliged to root for the Orioles. Do I have to explain this to the Nats?
Eddie: I think what you are seeing is WTOP trying to reach out and find solutions to the holes they know exist in the radio market for Nationals Broadcast. This is hopefully just a start of finding better and complete coverage for everyone.
WTOP won't have much success getting an affiliate on the eastern shore until the Nats put a winning team on the field, and their fan base shows some support. There is no revenue in it.
What a shame that the Nats bought into Struble's HD Radio farce - virtually no one is listening.
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