The most interesting news coming out of today's press release from Our Washington Nationals concerning the announcing of individual game ticket prices for 2010 was the cancellation of The Nats Express--the free park and ride service provided from RFK Stadium Parking Lot 8 (or 7 at times) to Nationals Park and back next season. In its place, $5 and $10 Parking Options will now be made available on an individual game basis.
(Click all pictures to enlarge)

Lot HH on South Capitol Street under the SE/SW Freeway will cost $5. Lot W on M Street, SE between 6th and 7th will cost $10. Here is the map from Nationals.com/waytogo. Both these lots are the longest distance team controlled parking lots from the ballpark.
There are no individual game ticket price increases for 2010. In fact, some seats have been reduced. And there will be 12 "Value Games" next season where tickets may be purchased for the same price as offered to partial plan season ticket holders.
Here is the press release from Our Washington Nationals.
Team Introduces Economy Parking Options Just Blocks From Nationals Park
The Washington Nationals today announced individual ticket prices for the 2010 season at Nationals Park –offering fans one of the best game day experiences in Major League Baseball at affordable prices. The team’s new and exciting roster is sure to provide many entertaining days and nights in NatsTown, where individual tickets will still be available for as low as $5 on game day. Fans will also have new economy parking options just blocks from Nationals Park, making it easier and less expensive for fans to include a trip to Nationals Park in their summer plans.
For the second straight year all game ticket prices in each seating area have decreased or will remain frozen. Prices on over 3,000 seats will be reduced through the creation of the Outfield Reserved (101 through 107 and 138 through 143) with all tickets cut to $24, and Lower Right Field Terrace seats (Sections 222 through 236) cut from $20 to $17.
The ballclub has designated 12 games during the 2010 season as value games, up from five in 2009, in which single-game ticket buyers will have the opportunity to purchase seats at the price offered to partial-plan holders. At least one value game will be offered each month of the season and the slate includes match-ups against the Phillies, Braves, and Astros. The team will also offer 15 prime games, down from 18 the previous year, including Opening Day on April 5 vs. the Phillies, and contests vs. the Dodgers, Orioles and Mets. A full list of value and prime games along with pricing is provided below.
The Nats Express and parking at RFK concluded after the 2009 season, however new and closer economy parking options are available for the 2010 season. Premium parking will remain the same, but fans choosing to drive to the ballpark may now park in Lot HH, located on South Capitol Street, SW for $5 per car, or Lot W, located on M Street between 6th and 7th Streets SE, for $10 per car. Each of these lots has been discounted from 2009 prices of $10 and $15 respectively. Complete information on Nationals parking plans and all the ways to get to Nationals Park may be found at nationals.com/waytogo.
“The Nationals recognize the fan experience begins the moment fans their leave homes to come to the ballpark and that there is a need for affordable parking options close to Nationals Park,” said Nationals Team President Stan Kasten. “Over the past two seasons there has been a decrease in the use of RFK Parking Lots and the Nats Express. We feel our fans deserve economy parking near the ballpark, which will reduce travel time and enhance the overall fan experience at Nationals games. We believe it will be easier than ever to get to Nationals Park and that the new parking options will please those fans who prefer to drive.”

(Click on the picture below to enlarge)

I think Nats Express will be back. That shuttle had a huge contingent of riders. It'll be back before too long.
The 2009 full season ticket price for the Lower Right Field Terrace was actually $15, and it stays the same for 2010. $20 was the premium game single ticket price. By lowering the single ticket price from $18 to $17, the Nats have taken away the discount that partial season planholders have had, but I guess they have their reasons.
In any event, the LRFT is a great deal for those of us who don't have the scratch to be in the clubs or in the lower bowl. A very good vantage point for not much money.
Section 222: Sohna and I have also believed since the ballpark opened, those LRFT Seats were a great deal for the price. A nice view of the game.
I knew it was just a matter of time before we lost the Nats Express. It was a nice option while it lasted. I think the ultimate motivating force, more than Stan citing lower demand, is the desire to cut costs - much like the electronic holiday cards the season ticket holders received this year. Does anyone really buy that they sent e-cards for environmental reasons? I'm sorry, the club saved quite a few $$ not having to design, print, and mail umteen thousand cards. That's ok, whatever. Cards in the mail and the Nats Express were both nice to have, but not necessary. Just don't expect all of us to buy the reasoning behind doing away with them.
Nats Express was a great service. The Fan Ambassadors (Remember Olajuwon?) were fun and friendly. The buses were comfortable and reliable. Far superior to Metro in all areas!
After the Nationals began handing out free parking coupons for Lot W towards the end of last season, it became obvious that RFK Parking was on its way out. I understand this. RFK was only intended as an overflow lot because there would be so little parking near Nats Park. (Remember the incessant Metro commercials scaring everybody away from driving to the ballpark in 2008?) It's obvious to all that surplus parking exists.
As for the ticket prices, I am unimpressed. I'll hold out for the 40% or 50% discounts that we were treated to in 2009 in the LF/RF Corner and other sections. - http://bit.ly/1WyJkF -That plus StubHub allows us to get great seats.
No guarantee on the good seats at good prices, but I think it's likely they will come back some time in 2010.
There's no doubt that there are great bargains to be had at Nats Park for the forseeable future. I don't blame John R or anyone else for deciding to go the single game route. I've held on to my full season tix because I look forward to the day (2012?) when you'll have real trouble getting good seats, and John R will be paying a premium on Stub Hub for my extra tickets. :-)
I hope they get the message out that affordable parking DOES exist near Nationals Park. I'm worried that fans that dislike Metro will stay away from the park without the bus service from RFK.
The Nats Express buses drove right by Lot W on their way to the dropoff point at 300 M. So presumably anyone who rode the bus would now know where Lot W is and its proximity to the ballpark, i.e. just a few blocks further away than the bus would have dropped them off. My only concern is that there's no straight shot from 395 to either one of the two cheap lots (HH and W) as there was to Lot 8 at RFK. But since Metro service is sadly in decline I suspect I'll be parking in the new lots rather than taking the train most nights.
My real concern though is that Fan Ambassador Olajuwon may now be unemployed. Do you think maybe he can pitch or play second base?
I am pretty sure you can take the 6th street/7th street sw exit off 395 in the district going southbound, hit M Street SE and just turn right and be at the W Lot. We also believe there is plenty of parking around ballpark. There are a handful of local lots that came active last year. One directly behind the home plate entrance across South Capitol & Potomac. Another on M St SW--right behind the 7-11 and a third in The Yards lot at 1st Street & N SE.
Off the top of my head I can't remember the exact exit off 395, but whether it's 6th/7th or another street, it exits onto barracks row and The Navy Yard and onto M Street SE.
About the Yards parking lot---you wouldn't believe how affordable that lot is (MUCH cheaper than the $40 in the Nats' garages), and it's right next to the ballpark! I'm guessing that the lot under the overpass will still be my first shot if I'm driving, but if I get there early enough its worth trying to park at The Yards.
The path from 395 to either of those two new lots does not look complicated. The issue with them is that the path will be traffic-clogged during evening rush hour, whereas if you are going to Lot 8 at RFK you can just slide to the left lane after crossing the 14th St. Bridge and it's smooth sailing all the way. But timewise it will probably be a wash even with the traffic, since there will no longer be the time spent on the bus. And I imagine unless the team gets real good and starts selling out games that the trip home will actually be quicker now without the bus ride. The really big attraction of the Nats Express for me was that it was FREE. Even at $5 or $10, though, parking will still be cheaper than Metro.
This is a great example of Stan's usual doublespeak: "Over the last two seasons, there has been a decline . . . ."? Uh, Stan, the service started two years ago.
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