Last January, Karyn LeBlanc, The Director Of Communications for The District of Columbia mentioned there was not enough time before the 2008 Baseball Season began to restructure routing of a DC Circulator Bus Loop to Nationals Park. But, she promised inroads would be made for the 2009 season.
Apparently, that vow is coming to pass. According to The DC Examiner today, The District Government is working to expand The Union Station Route to South Capitol Street this spring to accommodate Nationals Baseball Fans. The popular $1 Service will replace the N-22 Metro Route used by some fans last season Between The Navy Yard Metro Stop and Union Station. If approved, The DC Circulator Route to Nationals Park will follow a similar route as The N-22.
The N-22 Metrobus averaged over 1500 patrons on weekdays last year. New Circulator Service would begin March 30th. For some Nats Fans that means they could potentially travel from Georgetown to Nationals Park for $1 each way. Circulator Buses tend to run on 10 Minutes Intervals to all their stops.
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