Memo to Ryan Zimmerman: Please--NO MORE HEAD FIRST SLIDES ANYMORE.
Memo to Nick Johnson: Sadly, I can only feel sorry for you. At times you have NO LUCK AT ALL. Today's medical update must have been pretty depressing for you--as well as me.
Memo to Our Medical Staff: Please--no longer proclaim ANY OF OUR PLAYERS are Day-To-Day, unless you know for sure.
Memo to Our Washington Nationals: All good intentions aside, if any of Our Players from here on out are injured--please don't waste any more time determining (wishing actually) everything will be alright. Today's press release sure makes it look that way. Give each and every one needing--the proper and best possible care available--immediately. Find out the problem--then get the solution--STAT.
Memo to Our Manager Manny Acta: With Kory Casto added to the Major League Roster--you now have a full squad to use in each and every game. That's a good thing. And knowing you are always positive--please keep that charismatic smile of yours going. We are going to need it.
Memo to self: Eight players all key to the 2008 season are now on The Disabled List. Injuries happen and there is nothing you can do about it. So, make the best of the situation and watch some of Our Young Washington Nationals Players grow. There is no time better than the present to preview The Future of Our Washington Nationals.
Why all these memos?
Because, late this afternoon, Our Washington Nationals announced the medical results of Ryan Zimmerman's MRI today. As depressing as that news was to hear--the unexpected and less than stellar update on Nick Johnson's health felt like a quick double punch combination to the face. Expecting the first blow to "Z" to disable him--the added concern of Our Number 24's continuing woes felt like a knock out punch.
"Z" has a small labral tear in his left, non-throwing shoulder. Rest, medicine and a possible visit to the legendary Dr. James Andrews is in the works. That can't be much of a surprise. So, let's just get Ryan Zimmerman well. He's young and talented. Plenty of good baseball left for him to play in his Major League Career. One season lost--does not ruin a career.
A livelihood which Nick Johnson continues to see slowly slipping away. Nick Johnson's tendon sheath problem in his right wrist has not healed properly--too tender still. Now, NJ's wrist has been re-cast, checkup to follow--in two weeks time. Incredible actually, that Our Number 24 continues NOT to get a good break. Really, you have to feel sorry for the guy. Nick Johnson is so deserving of better health.
And finally--memo to everyone: 2008 is shaping up to be one strange season of baseball with Our Washington Nationals. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches--no matter how hard they hit you. Just like life itself.
Here is the Official "MEMO" From Our Washington Nationals
The Washington Nationals today announced the following medical updates for third baseman Ryan Zimmerman and first baseman Nick Johnson.
Ryan Zimmerman underwent a gadolinium enhanced MRI of his injured left, non-throwing shoulder today and was then evaluated by Dr. Benjamin Shaffer, team orthopedist. The MRI exam revealed a small labral tear. Dr. Shaffer advocated rest and anti-inflammatory medications. The Nationals are consulting with the following renowned orthopedic physicians for additional evaluations: Dr. James Andrews of Birmingham (AL), Dr. Timothy Kremchek of Cincinnati (OH) and Dr. Robert Cofield of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester (MN).
Nick Johnson's wrist was evaluated today by Dr. Benjamin Shaffer, two weeks after his injury occurred.Because of persisting tenderness of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris tendon sheath in his right wrist, the wrist was re-casted for an additional two weeks. He will be re-evaluated on June 16, at which time rehabilitation options will be determined.
Not much one can say, is there? It's looking like a long summer.
Your *Shorthanded* post was spot on. The timing of the whole thing was just bad, and...strange, too. Although maybe we can chalk it up partially to being out on the West Coast, so you know, flights back East for proper medical treatment would've been expensive?
We'll try to keep your final memo in mind (the one about rolling with the punches)...it is just baseball, after all.
Nick Johnson's status really was very predictable; he has always and will continue to have injury issues. He does not have bad luck, which really has nothing to do with it. We have enough data to show it is his body make up is such that this is who he is.
As for the Nats in general, yes it does seem like yet another season down the drain. I will have to think hard about what positives we can take from this season. At some point losing year after year will out weigh the any plus we get from playing young prospects.
It is looking like Acta will not be able to be the manager when this team does finally win. Much like we saw with the Capitals, when the team is ready they will need a new leader, one not associated with so much bad play and losing.
All these guys are on the DL and you are suggesting it's bad luck and fans need to suck it up. You very conveniently ignore the fact that not one of these eight players was performing anywhere near expectations before they got injured. Sick or well, this is a rotten team, just admit it.
They may be a bad team, but they are OUR TEAM, which is infinitely better than 1972-2004 when we had NO TEAM.
Insults do nothing to help and will not sway my allegiance. Every, EVERY baseball game in Washington is a miracle unfolding before our eyes. Losing stinks, but having nothing at all is worse. I will be patient, and root for the home team playing the national pastime where it belongs -- in our Capital city!!
I do not think anyone is saying that no baseball in Washington is better than the Nats. What people are rightly saying is we can do better.
We as season ticket holders were promised better (check out over letters from Stan the past few years. This is not an exciting team that plays hard and plays the game the right way. Worse, nobody with the Nats seems to be willing to admit the flaws and take steps to correct the problems. That is what people are objecting to. Stan needs to come out and accept responsibility and apologize for the product then lay out the steps he is taking to address the problems.
Step 1 is reassign Lenny Harris to Spring Training complex to learn how to be a coach.
Step 2 is Call in Bowden and Acta and let them know in no uncertain terms that their jobs are on the line. Tell them that they are expected to put a viable product on the field each night. They do not have to win but they can not play short handed and they can not accept bad baseball in the name of building a farm system.
Example tonight was Lopez......head up his a$$ yet again, not ready to play in the first inning. Missed covering his bag twice in the first inning. Acta's response should have been to bench Lopez and have Willie Harris lead off....but no that is not what happened.......That is what people object too right now.
If the guys we're calling up have hit well in Columbus, why don't we call up the Columbus hitting coach?
Ok anon. I feel your frustration - but firing Acta and Bowden (at least not until the end of the season) is not the answer.
This is turning out to be a disaster of a year, but -- good news -- we get to see who can really play (and say goodbye to Pena), how good the depth is, and probably get a top 3 draft choice next year.
The biggest day for this organization is Thursday. They have to get it right and keep building the farm.
It's going to take awhile to fix the mess we got from baseball called the Montreal Expos -- worse than an expansion team -- but at least there's time to fix it and, in that sense, the team is on the right track.
I would like to see Bowden booted and Rizzo promoted right after the World Series, though!
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