The latest WTOP News Promo is typical of Washington DC's Radio News Leader. Fear mongering at its best. Go Nats!! Not Nuts!! says 103.5FM. According to their On Air Spot--if you don't listen to their broadcasts, then you have little chance of making it to Opening Night at Nationals Park--On Time--this March 30th.
Come on! What a bunch of crap!
Unquestionably--there will be a feeling out period as fans and commuters get adjusted to a new destination in Our Nation's Capital. A possible attendance from The President of The United States might also delay everyone's entrance. And that is why the gates will open at 3PM for a 8:15PM start. But, the world's not coming to an end over Our Washington Nationals playing baseball games on South Capitol Street. Far from it.
Putting the fear out is typical WTOP. For years, this station has continually railed if anyone did not leave for their Thanksgiving Holiday--one week before that festive last Thursday in November. You might not make it to your destination--they always claim. Traffic Delays will destroy your time away.
The same holds true for ANY adverse weather conditions. Whether there is 1/10th of 1 inch of snow predicted--or a small rain shower might bust out--you better delay your commute. WTOP's hype sometimes borders on ludicrous.
Granted, Traffic and Transportation needs in the greater Washington Area need some serious thought and re-design--but New Nationals Park is not going to be the "Straw that Breaks the Camels Back". There is far too much riding on a successful Opening Night Start for this effort to become a failure. Too much is riding on March 30th.
Whether its Our Washington Nationals, Metro, DDot, MPD or District of Columbia--no one can say those involved are not focused on the job at hand.
Just look at all the information released of late. Parking by Our Washington Nationals--including a free shuttle from RFK Stadium, parking for DoD folks at Navy Yard and Ft.McNair, cash lots for daily users are possibly in the works. Metro's latest press release gives further details on what to expect from their service on Opening Night--March 30th--including a series of Metrobuses running from various points of the city.
Will it be perfect? Probably not. But, why are so many dedicated to destroying the opportunity at hand--before it even takes off. That's something I can never understand. Sorry, I don't get that. And remember, I work in the news media--as my profession.
Come Opening Night at New Nationals Park--The African Queen and I are going to not only Go Nats!!, but most likely, Go Metro!! and leave the naysaying to the NUTS!!--news programmers like WTOP.
When Our Washington Nationals first take the field that special evening to play The Atlanta Braves--Sohna and I are going to be having fun--and so should you. Don't let the negativity and sarcasm destroy your evening.
A New Baseball Season is upon us, for a fourth consecutive season in Washington, DC. Time to enjoy The Great Game in Our Nation's Capital--once again--in New Nationals Park--and not worry about getting there and back.
SBF -- what exactly was said?
SBF hits ALL the right notes once more. Incidentally, is there a financial opportunity herein that we may be missing: a new Sci-Fi horror movie remake titled: "The Day the Capital Stood Still" or perhaps "Sunday's Fall into the Abyss."
We could approach Tom Cruise (isn't his manager the owner of that facility in Lanham which promises to get you "in and out of the stadium on the same day, or at the very latest, the next one"?)to star in this thriller, as a beleagured Nationals fan trapped in his own living Hell as he attempts to bring his lovely wife and two perfect children to the Opener. Chilling sequel could involve his saving His Holiness from similar fate weeks later. This has real HBO potential, at a minimum.
In Treatment on HBO could take on new patient scarred by the experience of attempting to attend a Nationals game. And the Wire could offer a new conclusion: "Yeah, well at least we didn't have to try to attend a Nationals game!"
"There are no real baseball fans in Washington. They wouldn't move the team here, after all that. They aren't going to keep it here more than one year. They aren't going to approve building a new stadium. They aren't going to get the stadium built on time and budget. They aren't going to get the Navy Yard subway enlarged. In the meantime, they aren't going to lose less than 100 games. And it doesn't matter if we were wrong about all these things, no one will be able to get to the new park, anyway..."
Trust in the power of positive thinking. All good.
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