Three times in baseball history--a Grandfather, Father and Son from the same family, have played Major League Baseball. But, there is only One First Time. And that honor goes to The Boone Family. When Aaron Boone's brother, Bret, started his first Major League Game at Baltimore's Camden Yards on August 19th, 1992--The Boone's made Major League History. The Very First Multi-Generational Baseball Playing Family. A short five years later--1997--the younger Aaron made his debut in Cincinnati--adding to the family's baseball pedigree. Ironically--Bret was also then playing for The Reds at that time. In fact, just one year later, baseball history again came The Boone's way--when on September 27, 1998--Aaron & Bret combined with Barry & Stephen Larkin to form the first All-Brothers Infield in Major League History.
Last week--I caught up with Aaron at The DC Convention Center during the first stop of The Winter Tour. He was very engaging. And he surprised me when--while attempting to introduce Sohna--Aaron stated: "Sohna and I have already met (smiling)." Apparently, Team President Stan Kasten had done the honors--while I was talking with Charlie Slowes. It was funny.
After signing Autographs for fans in attendance--Our New Number 8--was kind enough to give me a few minutes of his time.
With the preamble out of the way--here we go.
What is it like coming to a team that your Dad is a part of? (SBF)
“It is something I am accustomed to. In this case—I am coming here (DC) and he is already here. Honestly, it’s not a big deal. Other than off the field—it will mean I will get to see my mom and dad a little more. As for the on the field stuff, since he has responsibilities different from others in the organization—it will have no effect on me.”
By coming to Washington—what are you hoping to accomplish here—at this point in your career? Where are you at in your career? (SBF)
“I don’t know!!” (Chuckling). I am year to year. (Both of us laughing). You know what—I am excited. This (Washington) is an up and coming team and franchise. DC is now a baseball city with a new stadium. And it’s a team I am very familiar with, from the player’s standpoint. So many of these guys I have played with, been teammates with, friends with—so I feel this is a natural fit for me. Hopefully, I will be healthy and can contribute to us winning a lot of games—making a lot of noise in this division. Because, I believe this is a very winnable division and league for that matter.”
What can Manny Acta count on from you this spring? (SBF)
(Pausing—thinking) “Hopefully, Manny will be counting on someone he knows he can put in there in a lot of different spots—in a lot of different situations. He should know--he has good players behind a lot of very good guys (the starters).”
How many At-Bats are you hoping to get this year? (SBF)
“Really, you never know. You never know going into a season who will be healthy—and ultimately—what your role is. So, you never really know (until the season plays out). And frankly, it doesn’t really matter that much to me. My goal is to be a part of a very good baseball team.”
Are you healthy right now? (SBF)
“Almost.” (Almost? —SBF) “Yeah.” (Laughing)
What needs to be fixed up right now? (SBF)
“I had minor surgery in September (arthroscopic right knee) and our goal going into the off season—with several weeks for recovery—was to ramp up and hit my stride in the middle or late part of February. All things are going well right now.”
Washington is a younger team in many respects. What kind of veteran leadership can you add to the clubhouse?
“I get asked that question a lot actually. I don’t go in (to the clubhouse) and say I have to act a certain way, affect this guy, or lead in that way. I attempt to be the best player I can be. Hopefully, me being myself will be a good thing for this team. If that affects other players in a positive way--fine. But, I don’t try to be a certain type of guy. I just try to be myself. At the end the day—hopefully—that’s a good thing.”
You may well have had other choices to play in 2008, was Washington Number One on your list? (SBF)
“I don’t know if I necessarily had a list. This was a natural fit because last year was my first year playing in a role player situation (in Florida for The Marlins)—where I wasn’t the every day third baseman. I was a utility player—so to speak. It was something I felt like I could do. In fact, I enjoyed it and had some success. This season I am in The National League East again—a division I am familiar with. That helps. And as I said—there are many players on this team I am friends with or played with—so yeah—this was a natural fit.”
How tough was it for you to go from an everyday player to a role player? (SBF)
“I have had a very blessed career. I have had ups, downs and injuries. But, I have had a very blessed career. Going into last season—I had no expectations—because it was a different role completely. But, I found out last year, I could do it. And, more importantly—I ENJOYED DOING IT. We (players) all want to play every day—but this is a role I know I can do well—and enjoy.”
With that answer my time was up--as Aaron needed to head off for further interviews.
If healthy--Aaron Boone could be a multi-dimensional bench player for Manny Acta. A player that accepts his role. A player Our Washington Nationals really have not had over the first three seasons since baseball's return to Washington. That's a good thing.
And still, with every mention by you in your posts of Charlie Slowes, no deal has been finalized. While you say it doesn't appear anything will prevent his deal from closing, we are only a little over 3 weeks away from pitchers and catchers reporting? Is the front office kidding? Charlie is maybe this club's best marketing tool with a huge following. I can't imagine it's Charlie holding this up at his point. Is this the way our Nationals conduct their business? I feel sorry for Charlie having his life kept up in the air while they figure out the day it will be a priority to get his deal completed. What an embarassing shame if this gets messed up, even worse than Bob's situation. At least that was rectified in a timely fashion. If we suddenly read Charlie has moved on to bigger and better things I won't be stunned, shocked or amazed with the way this has all transpired.
Yes--it would be very disappointing if Charlie does not return--at this late date. That would be a shame--and a bad sign. I have to agree with that. Its funny--after being out of town for the past week--I was thinking the same thing. Why no word?
I have no doubt--Charlie Slowes WANTS TO BE HERE--deservedly so. I would find it hard to believe if any other broadcasting positions are still available for any other Major League Team.
At the same time--I feel these ongoing negotiations are cordial--there is no animosity involved--at least not yet.
In current news:
1. Can we just pay Rauch the additional $300K and not get into a fight with him over it?
2. If the Rockies can lock down Troy Tulowitzki for 6 years at ~$5M/per, can't we do the same with Zimmerman?
I must admit that I really don't understand all the love for Charlie Slowes. I think he's pretty good, I guess, but I don't think that it would really matter to me that much if the team found someone to replace him. It drives me absolutely crazy that he rarely gives a score update during the middle of an inning. I've lost count of the number of times that I've gotten in my car at the office, turned on the radio, and was practically pulling up to my house before I knew who was winning the game and what the score was. I just don't think I'd miss him as much as others would.
"It drives me absolutely crazy that he rarely gives a score update during the middle of an inning."
He does too give score updates. All the time. Oh, wait, those are out-of-town scores he's giving, not scores of the Nats game in progress. Never mind.
Since it appears that one reason Charlie is always reciting out-of-town scores is because they are sponsored (the Toyota Out-of-Town Scoreboard, IIRC - not that it would ever get me to buy a Toyota), I once suggested to another blogger who was complaining about Charlie's failure to give the score in the middle of an inning that he might consider ponying up a few bucks and sponsoring the score himself. I thought that "The Capitol Punishment Score of the Game You're Actually Listening To" had a nice ring to it, but he didn't bite. Perhaps Nats320 would be willing to jump in here and sponsor the score. If SBF wants to take contributions toward doing that, I'll throw in a few bucks.
An Briosca Mor: I love that comment. That would be a hoot to sponsor the game score. Its totally unrealistic--but fun to think about.
Just imagine: "Runners on 2nd and 3rd, two outs--bottom of the fifth--Ryan Zimmerman at the plate--the Nat320 scoreboard has this one all tied up--Mets & Nationals at two runs apiece."
Naw--that wouldn't be good.
Maybe instead, I can just buy Charlie a small hour glass--like Jon Miller always uses--as a reminder. Each time he turns over the hourglass--Jon Miller recites the game score. Now--I know I could pay for that--if that would help other listeners out on the radio.
"Maybe instead, I can just buy Charlie a small hour glass--like Jon Miller always uses--as a reminder. Each time he turns over the hourglass--Jon Miller recites the game score. Now--I know I could pay for that--if that would help other listeners out on the radio."
To fully make sure the hourglass idea would work, you'd better label it Mention Sweet Strawberry Serenade at IHOP, then give the score. But hey, it would be worth a shot.
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