“He has been very important in my life. He has always taken me everywhere and been there for me," firmly stated Chad Cordero. "For years, my dad changed his hours at work—by working overnight—just so he could be with us at all our baseball games. When we went on field trips—he was there. Having him around for me and all my brothers and my sister was huge.”
And unquestionably--a big impact on Our Number 32's life.
If you have read The Nats320 Blog for any length of time, you have probably come to realize the action off the field is many times just as important to Sohna and I as the games played on the baseball diamond. Especially the work put in by many of those associated with Our Washington Nationals to help others. No doubt you have read the fine efforts being made by The Washington Nationals Dream Foundation Community Initiatives, Our Manager Manny Acta's push forward with his impActa Kids Foundation and Our Franchise Player--Ryan Zimmerman's work with his ziMSfoundation--in honor of his mother, diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis).
All are honorable and great efforts, but I offer that many may not have heard about the PERSONAL TASKS put forth by "The Most Thrilling Closer In The Game." No, he doesn't have his own foundation yet. But, since the very first moments Chad Cordero signed his INITIAL PROFESSIONAL CONTRACT, Our Number 32 has been giving back to those in need--throughout his Southern California Community.

Batting Cage for his college Alma Mater (Cal-State Fullerton);
Pitching Machine, Portable Batting Cage, John Deere Tractor to grade the infield, new baseball uniforms, new scoreboard, among other items donated to his High School--Don Lugo;

Don Lugo also received a brand new sports weight training room--in which Our Number 32 funded the entire amount of $62,000 for it's construction--All 2,300 Square feet.
$25,000 to local rival High School--Senator Reuben S. Ayala--for a new baseball infield--along with new baseball uniforms. (and no--this Ayala is no relation to Luis--although Chad gives Our Number 56 an "Ayala" Baseball shirt each spring--which Luis wears proudly).
And his personal charitable work does not stop at baseball and sports.
Add these to the list.
Computers for a special education class at nearby Glenmeade Elementary (California).
Six laptops, software and training for first grade teachers at Newman Elementary School in Chino--where his Aunt, Eva Rodriguez, is a first grade teacher.

New Laptop Computers for first grade teachers at his former elementary school--E.J. Marshall. A project currently in the works.
Monetary Donations and Personal Appearances for The City of Chino Recreation Youth Fund and The Make-A-Wish Foundation. Chad's brother--Matthew--works closely with The Make-A-Wish Foundation in Southern California.
"Any time you have the chance to help out kids, or anybody actually, it’s something that you just have to do," said Cordero. "Sure, it makes me feel good, but it’s the impact that one little thing, let’s say giving a kid a shirt, or a new pair of shoes, or something along those lines—makes on that person. It makes that kid feel special—a feeling they might not have had, many times in their lives. These kids don’t have a whole lot of money and can’t afford many things. I feel good knowing they now feel good about receiving something they needed.”
And Chad's big-heartedness all started with his family. A close knit one. Raised in Chino, California--Chad Cordero's Mother--Patti and Father--Ed have always supported their children. Along with his two brothers Matthew & Alan and their sister--Ashley--The Cordero Parents taught their children that hard work brings success.
And no one proved that more than Mr. Edward Cordero.
Chad and his Father bonded through baseball. And Mr. Cordero used their private time together to teach his son about the lessons in life. Recently stating; [In life}, "you have the ups and the downs. It's the same thing in baseball. You'll have good games and bad games, and you've got to get up the next day." (I love that line--SBF) Later, he personally told me: "You and I also know--we have to get up the next morning and go to work--no matter how we feel."

His ever growing list of good deeds also includes helping his sister, Ashley, to raise funds for Hillview Acres--a home for abused children in California and Coaching Winter Ball at Don Lugo alongside his brother Matthew. Believe it or not--Chad Cordero was The CLEANUP HITTER in High School. Matthew batted 3rd in the lineup.
Somewhat shy, but quite engaging--"The Most Thrilling Closer In The Game" will discuss his volunteer efforts within the community in which he grew up. And why not--because as Chad Cordero said: "My dad was there for me. It's neat to be there for someone else."
Part Two Tomorrow.
PS--So, do you think Mr. Cordero deserves a nice Father's Day Gift This Year? Wow!!
Hey SBF,
I've got a question for you regarding President's Club seating.
Is tipping worked into the ticket price?
I know for the diamond club tipping is worked into the $35 food voucher, and last year in the diamond club at RFK, tipping was not worked in.
Also don you think the President's club is worth the price they are charging for it? and do you suggest people try to sit in the President's club if they have the opportunity?
Any help, would be greatly appreciated.
Good Stuff as always SBF. Nice feature.
I believe yesterday Chad mentioned on the braodcast theat his brother works for The Make a Wish Foundation. So Ed has impacted his whole family not just Chad.
Another great article from SBF.
I will be down from NY with my son soon, and will stop by to say hello.
By the way, the Nats lead the league in Great Guys like the Chief!!
This is really one of your best feature pieces - which is saying a great deal, SBF, since you have had so many. (I say that we ask Flores - "What would Chad do?) This guy gives back to his roots the old-fashioned way - shows how important Dads are too. Guys like Dukes and Lopez missed out on that apparently, and it makes their road a bit bumpier, I suspect...
"Nationals are fast becoming irrelevant" according to three pundits on Washington Post Live on Comcast last last night, including NFL writer (former Redskins beat writer) Mark Maske. Gist is, according to three who I suspect have not been to a Nationals game since Expos moved here (no more than one per year, at any rate) is that "without hitting, the casual fan will soon loose interest." As casual fans (actually not fans) these three can safely dismiss the team, and move on to discuss whether the Redskins acquision of a 2005 high draft pick defensive end from someone like the Cleveland Browns (I forget, since we shall never see this guy play anyway) is worth a conditional 7th round draft pick for the next several minutes...
The Redskins are always relevant (I, yes, I am part of Redskins mania), but let's compare them to the "Irrelevant Nationals." Since 1991, the team has made the playoffs 4 times, winning a total of two games (Detroit - 1999; Tampa Bay - 2005); their overall record is .435 (115-262): Nationals are playing .458 since moving here (248-293). "Redskins cannot score" is not a refrain one hears as a reason to declare them "irrelevant" yet they are aenimic at scoring since 2000, needing nearly "perfectly played games to win" according to Joe Gibbs himself.
Hmm - Nats need nearly perfectly played games to win - great steals by Dukes and Milledge; incredible fielding plays by Young (!) and Langerhans; top-nothch starting pitching from our young bright exciting star John Lannan. (Had Jason Campbell produced at Lannan's consistency, would not his jersey already be on its way to Canton?)
Trust in an pre-ordained opinion. All Good.
Senatornat: Those football "scribes" who called the Nationals irrelevant apparently haven't taken the time to understand the game of baseball. Baseball is like a beautiful woman -- extremely difficult to understand, but if you take the time, you'll discover something not only extremely complex, but awesomely beautiful.
In the Post writers' simplistic minds, spending a lot of time on a topic like a conditional 7th-round draft pick traded for a defensive end who spent the past 3 years in re-hab and can put the opponents' linebackers in the hospital apparently adds relevance to their very simple, very brutal, and very ugly game. Give me baseball any day. Baseball players don't mumble and are easier to understand in pre and post-game interviews.
I trust whatever you say, as long as its not "trust in Bowden."
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