“And the fact is that when I die, I don’t want to be remembered as the guy who won a championship for The Washington Nationals. Or, the guy who caught the first pitch from President Bush here (at New Nationals Park) in 2008. I want to be remembered as the guy who built a complex--which 100 years from now—the kids where I come from—instead of being involved in wrongdoings—they will be playing baseball. That is the way I want to be remembered from where I come from.”
“I am a little different, that’s me. That is the way I am. Very few things impress me.”
Joining Manny at the Press Conference were his sister--Anayma--and Jeff Locklear--Senior Marketing Manager of Under Armour.
Manny was speaking to a select group of 12 District Of Columbia High School Baseball Teams and their coaches. All gathered for the announcement that The ImpACTA Kids Foundation was donating 180 pairs of Baseball Cleats, courtesy of Under Armour, to the many District High School Players in need.
But this event was more than just about handing out shoes. Manny's a proud man and wanted to emphasize to these youngsters that there is more to life than sports. At times--Our Manager wasn't mincing words.
“So, don’t tell me you had it rough. We had it worse over there.”
As the many kids on hand listened with rapt attention, Manny explained the goals of his Foundation. His first major initiative is to build a baseball complex in his Native Dominican Republic--in his hometown of Ingenio Consuelo--included will be three Little League Fields. Currently--impACTA Kids is working with the Government of The Dominican Republic to secure the land and file the proper paperwork for his Baseball Academy. In the meantime--as impACTA Kids raises money through their website and other donations--Manny started and funded--thanks to Under Armour--his own Little League program in Consuelo. Additionally--his foundation is working to help raise awareness of children in The United States. And that's where yesterday's announcement for High School Baseball Players receiving baseball cleats comes into play.
Manny continued: “But, I am also part of this community (DC)—at least for seven to eight months out of the year. And who knows for how long. But, I thought it was appropriate that I do something for you guys (High School Baseball Players). And this is just a start.”
Frazier O'Leary--Head Baseball Coach of Cardozo High School stating: “This is just wonderful to me. Anything to help the kids become baseball players is wonderful. I really like what he (Manny) said about being available to help come tutor our students in baseball. That is one of the biggest problems we have as coaches—is that a lot of our players come to us having never played baseball before. We grew up playing baseball as little kids. Our kids don’t do that. That's been a problem."
But before these kids where handed their new shoes--Manny Acta had some things to tell them about responsibility.
“The main thing is that everyone in here—regardless of where you come from—has a choice in life—which is the number one thing to remember in life. We are able to make choices. That is the biggest power we have. A plant can not make a choice. You can chop it down anytime you want and not water it down.”
“We have the power to make a choice—whether we want to take the right road or the wrong one. Everyday in the morning—when you wake up—you have a choice to either have a good attitude or a BAD ATTITUDE. It’s not genetic. So save it—if you want to tell me you have a bad attitude because your grandpa had a bad attitude 200 years ago.
"You can’t put school aside. You can’t get out of school. You have to stay in school. School helped me to get where I am right now—believe it or not. I went to High School, started to go to College. I was able to play baseball. And just because school helped me develop my brain—I came over to this country (USA) when I was 18 years old and I could not say ‘water’ in English. But, I picked it up quickly.”
“I made the adjustment over here. I knew The United States was not going to adjust to me. This is the greatest country in the world, but everything happened (to me) because of school. Not everyone in this room is going to be Ryan Zimmerman or Dmitri Young. Not everyone in here is going be Agent Zero (Gilbert Arenas—Wizards) or Caron Butler (Wizards). But there is a need for lawyers. There is a need for doctors, dentists. There is a need for financial advisers. And we need nurses and teachers in the community too.”
So, everyone in here has a choice. And the choices that you make today—it’s going to reflect on our life later on. So—think about what you are going to do. Not everyone is destined to be a superstar. You can have a lot of money, but this is a country where you don’t really have to be rich--to lead a nice comfortable life.”
Anacostia High School
Ballou High School
Bell Multicultural High School
Cardozo High School
Coolidge High School
Dunbar High School
McKinley Tech High School
Roosevelt High School
Spingarn High School
School Without Walls
Wilson High School
H.D. Woodson High School
Finally--when Manny was handing out the baseball cleats and taking photos with the various school team members--the kids from the School Without Walls stepped over to meet Manny. Hearing the announcement of their school name--Our Manager smiles and says: "School Without Walls!! Now, that's the type of school I WISH I HAD A CHOICE TO ATTEND!! Very cool!!"
He is iconic: very interesting man, with a great message and a surprisingly cynical attitude for a relatively young guy. Not especially religious or taken in by power apparently - bit of an edge which gives him dimension. He seems devoted to his Foundation - not merely lip service like those NBA Cares Ads, which are ridiculous. Of course, what he may not take into account, and I have no way of apprising the relative situations, is that while dirt poor in DR, the family support situation may be an advantage over the comparable younster in D.C.
I love his line that you can be comfortable in this country even if you are not rich. This is a concept that I have attempted and failed to communicate to my wife,m three kids, and the dog...
This is really an unusually perceptive, positive comment, coming from a man with a perspective borne of seeing the country from the outside. And, boy, is he ever articulate, and constantly working on improving his articulation since he arrived here at age 18. {Contrast him with two natural born Americans - Joe Gibbs and #41 - who are about as inarticulate as can be - yet one is in the Hall of Fame, and the other got to throw the ball to Manny to christian Nationals Park!!}
Trust in the power of a realsolid personal example. All Good.
I meant #43 - I get all these rich guys mixed up!
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