As some have now emailed me to mention New Seat Relocations are now up for all Season Ticket Holders at nationals.com--I was curious to find out what everyone else received? Sohna and I are waiting to hear from all our Section 320 Friends before letting everyone else know. We are dying to find out about our companions over the past three years.
Were you happy? Sad? or Indifferent? Did you think the process played out fairly? Or not?
I really want to know how folks feel. It's Important.
I did not receive one of my first three choices, but did receive seats in the first row of the lower price section in the requested area, so I feel I was treated fairly. Can't wait until opening day.
So far the folks on the Barry Blog are mostly happy.
Section 210. If our seats are on the aisle, things would be near perfect.
You two are a bit on the other side, so we'll have to walk a bit to meet up...but I don't think that will be a problem at all.
See you soon!
I received my first choice.
I gave them an "ideal location" to work with. I even received the numbered seating section I requested within the seating category. My ideal location was Rows A-E, and I was assigned Row K.
I'm pleased.
I went cheap, but my seats are pretty much exactly what I asked for---though I wish I weren't smack in the middle of a 16-seat row.
Seems like a lot of upset folks over at CP. But that's because it looks like they fell victim to the full-season lower bowl folks poaching their upper deck choices.
I have been a full STH since 2005 in sec. 321. We requested Sec. 205, row A. We are in Sec. 205, row D. Almost exactly what we wanted given price constraints. I'm happy.
well we're in section 128 which is good BUT we are in row PP which is NOT!!! Who's going to see the monkey from there?
We would also be considered a Kasten success. I received one of my three top choices
We were in Section 206, Row 8 at RFK and had requested to move behind the Nat's dugout. Got perfectly placed (Section 129), but a little further back (Row SS) than I would have liked. All in all, I think they did pretty well.
Now I'll spend my future years trying to move down towards the field.
SBF, are you going to change your blog name to your new section, asssuming you aren't in the 'new' 320? Enquiring minds want to know!
Section 222U Row N Seat 14. Hopefully in a few years I'll be able to upgrade, but for now I'm happy!
While I didn't get any of my three choices, I am very pleased with my tickets and the Nats customer service people were great. See you next year, SBF!
I am stunned. Full-season ticket holder since opening day 2005. Was in the Field MVP seats 3rd row behind the dugout. Requested full-season Dugout Box seats in the new stadium, with "close to field" as a priority. Got seat assignments today and we are in row MM -- 33 rows back from where we were in RFK. 33 rows! Mr. Kasten, who did I offend?
SBF: I was initially unhappy with what I got, section 137, RF Corner, under the overhang, no scoreboard view, quite a ways back (Row SS). Although I'm a half season plan holder who just got in pre-'07 season, I was disappointed to not get any of my top 3 choices, RF/LF Baseline, or Infield Gallery. I called customer service and they were very helpful. They explained all of the seats in my top 3 selections had been scooped up via priority. I was able to move over to a LF Box in section 106, out in the open and with a much better view of the scoreboard and closer to the field (row S, aisle seats). I can't complain that those who have been season ticket holders (both full and half) longer than me got priority of course, and I guess some better seats are being reserved for those who will eventually pay more for full season tickets. But ultimately, getting in a half season package last year really got me nothing. I actually am further from home plate in the new park than I was at RFK. But unless I got in earlier or am willing to pay for a full season, I guess I really can't complain. Ultimately, the Nats worked with me, and I am happier than I was when I was up in the RF Corner at least.
Fist off I love this Blog so thanks!!!
Relocation: I think I may cry... I was doing GREAT until I read the one post from the guy in 206 Row 8 who got put in 129.
I was 205 row 1 seat 1 at RFK -2005 class. (I PROBABLY have higher priority than Mr. 206 just cuz I got the aisle and they went super fast the first year)
Anyway, everything I was told basically was that I would have a VERY hard time getting into the dugout seats. So I put center club level as my #1, baseline club 2 and Baseline box #3. The thought being, if I did happen to sneak into the dugout box it would be last section/deep row.
Frankly, I'd rather get a great baseline box seat than a bad dugout box seat.
I took a flyer on the club level, again, thinking no way I was getting in based on that I was in the 4th group.
Anyway... I ended up getting 212 row G Seats 1-4!! I had to have a high priority to get these I am thinking???
So I am very happy about that BUT NOW I am thinking I could have had some very good dugout box seats which was always my goal in this whole thing.
I can't blame the Nats really. It was my call. Other than their assumption that I would not likely get into dugout box, but again, they always said they really did not know how it would shake out.
Not sure how I feel at this point.... Happy I got a nice club seat. Disappointed I did not get good dugouts when it looks like I could have. Hopefully some folks will non-renew in the coming years and I can move down...unless I really love the Club!!! :-)
Peace and Love to all.
fav61, one thing you got by buying a half-season plan in 2007 was priority over me, since I only bought a 20-game plan in 2007. And we both did gain the opportunity to negotiate for better (or perhaps I should instead say more preferable) seats today (as I did myself), rather than in a month when the new STHers for 2008 get their assignments and have the chance to negotiate for something else if they don't like what they get. That may not be much, but it's something.
But it does bother me a bit that they are holding seats in my preferred section (Infield Gallery) for new people who want to buy a full-season plan and thus they won't sell me a 20-game seat there, even though I supposedly have priority over those class of 2008 people by virtue of me being in the class of 2007. The main reason this bothers me is that they could have made it clear when the questionnaire went out that there was only limited availability for partial plans in Infield Gallery, rather than having the unspoken assumption that it was wide open. If they had said there was only limited partial-plan availabilty there, my first, second and third choices would have been different.
But fortunately I was able to talk my way into a halfway decent seat today at an attractive price point, so I guess I'm happy even though it wasn't my first choice.
I got my first choice (leftfield mezzanine, section 204), so I'm very happy. I'm a 20-game plan holder from 2005. I had gone back and forth between infield gallery or leftfield mezzanine as my first choice. After consulting with the others who share my tickets, we decided to go with leftfield gallery, as we decided to place greater emphasis on being closer to the field than closer to homeplate. How that I know that 20-game plan holders in the Infield Gallery sections aren't getting the good seats directly behind homeplate, I'm even happier with our decision to go for leftfield mezzanine.
"Let Teddy Win"---did you pay $300 a seat for your season tickets in 2005,6, & 7? If you didn't, you may have been bumped in favor of somebody who could pay that amount...
An Briosca Mor: Agree with all you said and am appreciative I did get to negotiate as well...but like you, my top 3 choices were based on where the Nats stated half-season plan tix would be available. There was no mention the amount of half-season tix in those sections would be limited and then the rest reserved for full-season plans only. Otherwise, I too would have looked for more attractive (and lesser priced) half season plan options outside of RF/LF reserved and Infield Gallery and would have stated so in my questionnaire. No use crying over spilled milk, but if those reserved for fulls don't get sold, it will be a shame since those of us who were somewhat loyal in getting half/partial plans last year are seated out in the outfield.
Well I am very happy. I was a 20 game plan class of 2007. At RFK i was sec:526 row:2 seat:20. What i loved about those seats were that they cost me $200 last season and I was proud to call my self a young season ticket holder.
I am very happy with how I was treated by this relocation process. I got my 1st choice and I will now be in OUTFIELD. Sec:141 row:F seat:10. This year this will cost me $580. now being a fresh college grad thats hurts my pocket the next two months in payments, esp during xmas. I will say I love spending 6 weekends of my springs/summers in DC with the Nats. Overall very happy about the process, just wish tickets wern't so expensive this year.
First let me apologize for the deleted post. I didn't put up anything offensive---it was just a link that didn't work. Should have checked with preview before I posted!
Anyway, "natsskinscaps" has an excellent comment about his 2008 season tickets. He realized that when the Nats created all those expensive seats right behind home plate, they would push previous season ticket holders to the sides and back, which would push others back as well. So for the most part, he understands this is the nature of the beast.
You can read his post here!
From my standpoint, I can't afford better season tickets, so I'm not complaining that I'm not in the mezzanine. These seats look like they may be a bit better than at RFK Stadium, so I'm looking forward to next year...
At RFK I was a 20-game guy, coming in at the very beginning of the class of 2006. I ordered my 2006 tickets within the first hour they went on sale that year. I got great seats at RFK, section 417, looking right down the 3rd-base line.
For 2008 I went for a full-season plan, hoping to get the same sort of seat I had at RFK. We decided to move around to the 3rd-base side of home, for reasons of shade.
I am ecstatic. My new seats are better than I could have imagined, based on my request. I and my group got section 311, right underneath the press box. We have a straight shot at the scoreboard. We are closer to directly behind home than we were in RFK.
I'm really glad we went for a full season, since I understand the section we received was reserved for full-season plan holders.
From my point of view, the relocation process went great. I can see myself in those seats for another 15-20 years.
Even if I had the money to afford full-season tickets, I wouldn't buy them because I don't have the TIME to go to 81 games a year. Even though I am buying tickets to 20 games, I will probably still only go to 10---not all of these games I have season tickets to.
Oh, I don't go to 81 games a year. I'll end up going to about 20 or so. I put together a group of six people to share an 81-game package.
I have been told by long-time season-ticket holders in other towns that this is the best way to be treated like a priority customer. It seems to have worked for me for the most to Nationals Park.
I got screwed. We were in section 312 at RFK from the start (2005) and requested the infield box seats as first and second choice and the $45 club seats as the third choice. Instead they gave us the baseline reserved seats almost at the very back of section 132. I'm planning to call tomorrow like I see some others have. If it was just me (several others in my group) I would just tell them to screw it and walk away. Looks to me that we could have chosen to not renew and just signed up later in teh summer and we would have gotten better seats.
does anyone know if the ticket office is open tomorrow (Saturday) and at what time?
Officially, there is no ticket office right now. The only way to contact The Nationals is 202-675-Nats Or, possibly go down to their Offices at 1050 Conn. Ave. NW--Suite 825. Although, I am not sure they are open on Saturday.
This evening in the mail--I actually received all the paperwork on our seats. Still waiting to hear from everyone else we know in Section 320. Although, Sohna and I were happy with our relocation.
Hi SBF and Sonia
Met you last year with my son - I'm the one with the English accent :)
We got section 206 row D for our group, (we have 7 members and 2 tickets). We are happy with the outcome though 208 would have been even better. I think the Nats did a good job with this.
I can't wait for next year - I even gave up my Skins tickets because the Nats are much more fun to watch.
I'm happy with the process and think the relocation went well for me. Section 133U
to JD...
Don't feel too bad. I'm "Mr. 206" and actually had aisle seats in section 205 in 2005, but the level of activity up and down the walkway between the seats and home drove me crazy. Sometimes people would just hang out and talk.
I asked for a move in 2006, which is how I ended up in 206, row 8.
You are right about how great this blog is.
My real hope is to never have to sit around another Phillies fan again.
Got my 3rd choice but as a 20 game plan holder since day 1 I feel I should have gotten my first choice. Although I will be paying $1 less per ticket per game to the Nats in 2008 so I am happy about that! I am going to call the ticket office in the AM and see what might be available to move up in case they screwed me like they did in year 1 and said sections were not available which were available!
I'm pretty unhappy with how the process went.
Based on where I was put, I'm pretty sure they didn't follow their own advertised priority system, but instead put corporate $$$ and VIPs ahead of regular people.
While it's their right to do this if it's in the team's interest, it is fraudelent for them to advertise that they are going to strictly follow objective criteria, and then only loosely follow it after people have paid.
My seats aren't horrible, but based on my priority and preferences, there is NO WAY I shouldn't have been placed closer to the field. If this were any other business, I wouldn't renew my tickets, but I realize in this case walking would only have the effect of depriving me of something that I really love, so I'll probably just suck it up, renew my tickets, be bitter that the business part of the club played me for a sucker, but realize that shouldn't effect my feelings towards the baseball part of the club (it's not like Zimmerman and Dimitri screwed me over). So I'll deal with it, but this process was not handled right.
On a different (and less negative) note - SBF, your blog really is fantastic. Thanks for the great Nats coverage!
I hope you have crappy seats SBF and that you bake in the sun!
"I hope you have crappy seats SBF and that you bake in the sun!"
Hey, too-cowardly-to-post-your-own-name! Did you tell the Nationals you were willing and able to buy the presidential suites behind home plate? No? Then don't be shocked that other season ticket holders who couldn't afford to sit there either were pushed into the seats you preferred to sit.
SBF understands this and is happy where his new seats are. Although you have every right to be angry at the Nationals, if you are going to attack your fellow season ticket holders who went through the same process, then you should not post here at all!
I've left a message with the ticket office asking for clarification. I have a 20 game package, and the seat assigned is Sect 417, Row D, Seat 15. That's press box level, with one section between me and the press box. I had an aisle seat in the 4th row at RFK -- if that's the case here, I'll probably be pretty happy with the seat. But from the invoice, it's hard to tell.
Did not get any of my choices and assigned seats are not as good as the seats I had at RFK (317R6).
Thanks Mr. 206. That makes me feel better.. Actually, after more noodling, and a night to ponder, I am very stoked about my relo. Got #1 choice. Club level, 1 section to the right of home plate on the aisle closest to the plate.
No idea about tailgating at the new park but I'll have pre-game and post-game hanging out on the club level with 3 other friends or family, big seats (which I need) and all the other club amenities.
I feel terrible for all the loyal fans who have posted, and others, who did not get what they were hoping for.
From what I am hearing there is some jockeying going on now plus it's not like you are stuck where you are forever. Give it a few years and I would bet most everyone will be able to move to somewhere they like better.
Bottom line: I am one happy Nats fan.
How many days till pitchers and catchers report?? :-)))
Just for clarity - I am a different poster from "anonymous" that also posted around 2:30 AM last night.
Very happy with my relocation and my new moniker -- Section 222, Row C. I posted a few reflections on the process at Capitol Punishment, where there seem to be fewer satisfied customers than here.
One thing that has always fascinated me is that when you go to a game, you see people sitting all over the stadium, even in the upper deck of the outfield, enjoying themselves and not moving to empty seats that would be a lot better. That gives me some hope that the folks who are complaining about being 20 rows farther back than they hoped will ultimately enjoy the ride.
I'm in 404 Row E 1-2. These are almost identical seats to what I had at RFK. I paid for the cheapest possible seats and that's what I got. I can't wait for March 29!
Very happy with our tickets. Section 115, Row E, right next to the visitor's dugout.
My nosebleed request was granted. If Teddy makes it up where we are a few times, he will be in shape to win his race! But we are happy.
Section 417, Row E, Seat 22. (On the aisle closest to the press box). Can't wait for opening day!
I am quite unhappy, and after reading how many people got into Club level (my 1st, 2nd & 3rd choice) I am ready to ditch seasons tickets and buy scalp tickets to pay for what I use, and probably get better seats for face value or less.
Last year I was in section 313, front row. I was a STH since day one (2005). I got put into section 112 row FF (about row 30 I guess).
I talked to my rep this morning (they didn't return my calls yesterday). They told me what I could move to, and at this point I want to change to Infield Gallery, but after calling back about 20 times I cannot even get a return call. Who knows whats available at this point, but I am not happy with the process they followed, or are following.
When I was filling out the relo questions, I chose club for all three preferences BECAUSE MY REP TOLD ME THEY WOULD CALL IF MY TOP 3 WEREN'T AVAILABLE. Turns out that wasn't true. So instead of getting my next choice available when my turn in line came up, they decided that Baseine Reserve was the price equivalent of section 313 from RFK, and stuck me there (about 30 rows back). I'm not willing to pay $40 for those seats.
NOW the processes is that there is a waiting list to get into sections 206-221. But my place on the waiting list is determined by when my rep decided to return my call. I'm only on the list because I brought it up (they didn't even offer after talking for 5-10 minutes!). It seems to me, especially since I sent an email on Sunday stating I wasn't happy, and started calling Monday morning, I should have automatically been put on the list based on my prior priority and top 3 choices, not based on the fact that my rep decided not to return my initial email and calls until tuesday around noon.
At this point "Pledging My Allegiance" in 2005 didn't make a difference, because I am looking at what is available in the 300 level after EVERYONE ELSE (15,000?) has been seated.
I think people who buy season tickets for the first time this season will get comparable seats to whatever I end up with after I get moved (if I manage to get in touch with anyone). That is extremely disappointing for me after waiting 3 years. I now get the feeling that the Lerner's really could care less, because I think they have the "you can't make everyone happy" attitude to a fault, and people like me who didn't get any of their choices are only 10%. However, something tells me that when they have someone specific on their list they want to make happy, they can get it done.
Was your package a full season package? Or was it a partial season (41/20 games)? And were they the same class all three years?
Full season since 2005.
RFK Seats: 205 (Field Box)
Got fist choice: Center Club & Aisle seats.
Anonymous who got Row E dugout box seats: I am happy for you and jealous too. I'd sure love to hear your ticket history at RFK. I'm just trying to figure out who got dugout box seats because you'd think somebody who a) was full season from day one in '05, and b) had tickets in the 3rd row behind the dugout and RFK and c) listed Dugout Box as first choice would somehow manage to at least stay in the dugout box section, but not me. I was kicked back to infield box row MM.
to "let Teddy"
how did you get your RFK seats 3rd row behind the dugout? Through connections? If so, I've heard of several others, like yourself, who got pushed back into Infield Box. Did you sign up in the morning of Nov 17th, 2004? If so, then you got screwed, if not, then I'm not surprised you ended up where you did
Anyone know a site to post/trade seating locations?
If you do, please email me ... stabler12@raidersfan.net
It's hard for me to get my parents to let me get to 5 games in a season! To me, you guys are all lucky :(. I have trouble trying to convince them to get a 20 game season ticket plan, and it gets worse when I check seating at Nationals park and find out how many seats are taken!
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