Yes, remembered fondly are those Helmet Sundaes of my youth. And, apparently, just as beloved by many other Fans--both young and old--of Our Washington Nationals today--even though they were never SOLD at RFK Stadium. During the late 60's at The Old Ballyard--you couldn't get one--as far as my memory can be jogged.

Of course--Batting Helmets were a Novelty for Major League Baseball in the Hippie Era--Vietnam Era, of United States History, as well. Batting Helmets only became mandatory protection for hitters in the early 1970's. Full Fledged Batting Helmets with the Lone Ear Flap did not come into its own until 1975. In fact, when I began playing Little League Baseball in 1968, the only protection provided for the head was a modified two piece ear flap from a FOOTBALL HELMET with elastic bands that stretched around our little heads. No protection for the top of your noggin. Obviously--that wasn't enough protection--as by the time I reached the age of twelve--a full helmet with dual ear flaps was standard for Little League and High School Baseball.

And, yeah--that helmet with the hole in it, I kept it too. But, its also buried away somewhere with those plastic Helmet Sundae Cups. Including, an old fashion Baltimore Orioles Helmet Sundae. Black with White Triangle across the front with The Oriole Fun Bird from my Memorial Stadium Days. Those Helmet Sundaes were cool. And, like everyone else it seems, Sohna and I would LOVE to see the return of Curly "W" Helmet Sundaes to New Nationals Park. Honestly, there is just something SPECIAL about Helmet Sundaes.
Although Our Washington Nationals never sold Helmet Sundaes at RFK, one time--in the first three seasons of baseball at RFK STADIUM, Red Curly "W" Helmet Sundaes Were Served. Only Once. On June 11, 2006--Major League Baseball--having just concluded the sale of Our Team to The Lerners-- MLB held an ON FIELD Picnic after a Sunday Afternoon Game with The Philadelphia Phillies. This Picnic--for Season Ticket Holders--included a nice gift bag of Plush Nationals Blanket, Tan Curly "W" Cap and assorted goodies. But, on the field that afternoon--ICE CREAM was served in a Plastic Helmet. A Plastic Red Curly "W" Helmet. The African Queen and I picked up a few. One of those Helmet Sundaes is depicted at the beginning of this post. Another shot--below.
Yes, We Cherish Them. Hopefully--many more fans--Young & Old--will be able to share that same experience come 2008 at New Nationals Park. Helmet Sundaes need to became a staple for Our Washington Nationals. No Question About It.
SBF- I grew up in Franconia, went to Bishop Ireton (where we played a few games at Simpson as well.) Loved those trips to the High's stores.
we actually got those helmets at a p-nats game too!
Looks like there are still 80 High's stores in Maryland!
I used to go to the High's on Maple Ave. (VA 123) in Vienna and I'm not close to the big 40. :)
Switching the subject briefly. . . .Were we supposed to get some sort of communication from the Nationals (snail mail/email) about next year's tickets? I did go on line to get the information about our new location, but I thought it was strange that we received no direct contact.
My renewal envelope arrived today. I thought I was the last STH to receive it. Full payments due by December 14. (But you get a hand painted Nationals Park replica model). Or you can pay half by 12/14 and the balance by 01/11/08.
I was born in Va. My parents are from Maryland. I am 46 and attended a game in Maryland. I was 4-5 and aquired a plastic helmet that I save to this day. I thought it was from attending the game? I dont remember. It will fit a small head? Is this the same size as yours
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