With Grass now down and the Infield Cut at New Nationals Parks--visions of Major League Baseball are dancing in my head.
Yet, Winter is not even upon us, nor Thanksgiving or Christmas.
No--I can't wait for that very first game on South Capitol Street for Our Washington Nationals. Whatever date is finally chosen will be fine with me.
I can't wait to see thousands walking down Half Street from The Navy Yard Metro to enter the new ballpark.
I can't wait to see everyone looking, maybe gawking--smiling and, hopefully, very much enjoying their very first visit.
No--there is nothing like A FIRST IMPRESSION. And, nothing like Baseball, the Sport which everyone treats--like Family.
I can't wait to hand over for scanning--my very First Game Ticket to enter New Nationals Park, anxious to see its Inaugural Opening Day, or Night Drapings and Festivities Planned.
I can't wait to walk the concourses, witness EVERYTHING The New Ballyard on South Capitol Street has--in advantage--over The Old Ballyard on East Capitol Street.
Although, there are aspects of RFK STADIUM--I will forever cherish--and will miss.
I can't wait to meander all over The New Ballyard; relish in delight; take the escalators, maybe an elevator, see what surprises might still be in store for the many patrons.
I can't wait to witness those walkways, not only fully loaded with Fans of Our Washington Nationals, but hopping with restaurants, pubs and concession stands. All offering choices never before available on the menu at RFK.
No--at RFK Stadium--High Priced Food, never coincided with High Quality Fare. Hopefully, that will change for the better in 2008.
I can't wait to reminisce with old friends made over the past three years on East Capitol Street. Whether that person is an Usher, A Security Guard, A Team Official, or Our Many Fellow Season Ticket Holder Friends or Fans whom are now acquaintances. The African Queen and I can't wait to see EVERYONE in their own new locations. That's going to be fun.
I can't wait to see My Best Friend!! SCREECH!!, The Racing Presidents, that lovable loser--Teddy, and of course, The NatPack--in their new haunts.
The Sharing of DC Baseball brought us all together. The Love of Our Friends brings us back for each and every subsequent home game.
I can't wait to see BATTING PRACTICE. Home Team Batting Practice--as promised. I can't wait to see both Teams line up along the first and third baselines to be introduced.
I can't wait for that VERY FIRST PITCH--Both of Them.
The Inaugural Ceremonial First Pitch--and it better be The President Of The United States making the toss. As I have stated beforehand--it doesn't matter to me what side of the political aisle that person represents. The Fact remains The Office of President should be honored. Its Baseball Tradition, which all started here in The Nation's Capital. Uniquely qualified is Washington, DC--like NO OTHER AMERICAN CITY--to keep this ritual alive. Only Philadelphia comes close, but Philly finishes a DISTANT SECOND PLACE on this matter--always.
And of course, that Inaugural First Game Pitch at New Nationals Park. Can you imagine THE LIGHT BULBS Flashing if that very first game is a NIGHT GAME? Whoever that very first batter will be--that hitter will well know--there is NO WAY he could possibly see that first pitch of the evening. No way-blinded by every attending fans very own personal camera shot commemorating that moment to come. The Anticipation Great!! The Cheering LOUD!!!
No--I can't wait for that VERY FIRST GAME at New Nationals Park.
I can't wait for the very first BANG!! ZOOM!! Of The Fireworks!!, either.
Nor, can I wait for The Very First Curly "W" at New Nationals Park being placed in the books--and called by Charlie Slowes.
Yes, Winter is nearly upon us. The First Snow has yet to fall. Yet, all I can think about is Our Washington Nationals.
Honestly, I can't wait for winter to end!!
Because, I Can't Wait for Opening Day (or Night)2008 at New Nationals Park on South Capitol Street.

I am SO with you! But when will we hear? When do we get confirmation? I can't wait!
I did not think I was the only one who wants to know my seats.
It will be very telling the next few days......Same old same old or a new functional ticket office that can mail things effectively? SBF, even you must be starting to wonder a little given your comment last week when you headed out of town.
Honestly, in talking with my fellow STH, I am not the only person who thinks the Nats have something to prove by meeting their own deadline after 5 months.
Ok, Jeff it is now officially the time for the African Queen to take charge and get you a life!
Even as big a fan and the extra closeness to a Nat I am priviledge to have I, there are other things to worry about in life. Work, family (Mike's upcoming wedding) Grandparents coming to town next week for ten days.
Come on Sonha you can do it!
Nothing happens until the baseball meetings December 3d. Take a deep breath and relax!
I'm sure there will be SOME announcement about the seat allocations will be made on Tuesday, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. While it would be appropriate for the President to throw out the first pitch at Nationals Park, Bush has become SO unpopular in this town that I do not think that he---nor any member of his administration---will ever attend a sporting event in Washington again. Clinton would get booed at Orioles Park and shrug it off. Bush never goes anywhere unless he knows the audience is going to be favorable or at least controllable.
So we will probably have to wait until 2009 to see the Predident throw out the first pitch, and I wouldn't be surprised if the new President STILL chose to go someplace else...
Mike's getting married? Congrats!! (See, I haven't been paying much attention)
What a great post! Right there with you counting down the days. :)
Hey SBF-
Do you (or anyone else out there) have any info about the Fan Fest? The only coverage I have seen is all the kurfuffle about it being held in Bethesda. But I haven't heard anything about dates, who'll be there, what's going on and how I can get tickets. Is there any info forthcoming, or is it out there and I just haven't seen it?
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