Its was a topic of great debate in Section 320 the other night. How many times will The Racing Presidents run from the Right Field Tunnel at RFK Stadium to Home Plate at each and every home game with "Teddy" Roosevelt Losing? Its become such a good gimmick--what would happen if "Teddy" DID WIN?
For starters, our Section 320 "Let Teddy Win!!" Chant would go unnoticed.
No longer would Abe, GW & Thom give us the Thumbs Down each and every time they hear that call, while standing in the tunnel to the left of Section 320.
Those wonderful Tee-Shirts that have circulated saying "RUN, TEDDY, RUN!!" would be obsolete.
That terrific JumboTron Ad of "Teddy" lifting weights and working out in Viera, Florida during Spring Training would not be as funny.
Really, What would happen if Teddy Wins!!
Would the intrigue of The Presidents Race all go away?
Each and every night, most every fans seems interested in watching what foolish attempt "Teddy" will make.
Just last night, there were a handful of fans--folks we had never seen before--screaming their lungs out for "Teddy" to win in Section 320. That middle of the 4th inning event was THE HIGHLIGHT OF THEIR EVENING OF NATIONALS BASEBALL.
You can't deny the popularity of The Presidents. Not a single person in America watching them race on TV Highlights does not recognize WASHINGTON, DC as their Home Town!!
Most anyone with knowledge of Our Washington Nationals seems aware of The Racing Presidents. The Majority of those know "Teddy" is a loser.
So--I will ask again. Would fans lose interest, if "Teddy" Won?
Have Our Washington Nationals painted themselves into a corner?
This Debate went on for a couple of innings the other night.
All Good Questions. For which, Section 320 has no real answers.

But, what we really want to see is a Match Race--when The Milwaukee Brewers come to town--Our Presidents against Their Sausages. That would be Terrific. Then, maybe "Teddy" can break out of his slump and run past all those wieners.
Can you imagine The Crowds Response. Not a sole would sitting at RFK Stadium!!!
I figured Teddy would win at the last 2006 home game, but he didn't. He will win the last game at RFK.
Also, I recall a rumor of the sausage party coming to town during the Brewers series. Sadly, I'll have other obligations.
Teddy should NEVER win - but there should ALWAYS be the anticipation that he will certainly at some key date like his birthday or Father's Day or July 4 or the last day of the season, etc. He should remain, like Charlie Brown and "the football" a unified symbol of our collective hope and frustration - an EVERYMAN toiling for his lone moment in the sun...
Incidentally, Teddy took two bullets in real life, and then orated in Milwaukee for 5 hours in real life - so, he can beat those Bratwursts. etc. hands-down: but, he should be held from the race for security reasons!
Hey, SBF - any idea where someone could get one of those "Run, Teddy, Run" shirts?
Maybe Teddy could win on TR Bobblehead Night...
I think Teddy should win only once, on his birthday or the last game at RFK and it should be because Geo, Abe and Thom all stop right before the finish line and hold up LET TEDDY WIN signs.
Teddy's losing streak is a good gimmick because he often does something silly to lose. Like I often say, it doesn't seem like Teddy understands the concept of "a race."
I meant to ask a few post ago, but dose the stuff on the new stadium look like real limestone ( or whatever it's suppose to be)?????
I would LOVE TO SEE TEDDY beat the Sausages. That would be fun. But, I have no idea where those "RUN TEDDY RUN" t-shirts have come from--I never thought to ask. Its just funny to see. Its shows that people are paying attention.
RallyTime--The Let Teddy Win Signs are a GREAT IDEA!! Section 320 should be standing by his side when if he ever crosses that finish line.
NatsFan7--Yes--it looks like real limestone. If you are ever by The New Convention Center downtown--the facade will look similar to that.
Teddy enjoys the attention way to much to win. If he wins then he's just another racing president. But if he loses in spectacular fashion every night then he's the star.
The funniest thing is kids love Abe. I hear more "Abe you're my hero" from kids under 12 then anyone else.
As for the Sausages. Contact has been made. The Pirogies in Pittsburgh have also been contacted. We're thinking relay race of champions. Teddy as the anchor. But we'll see.
Side note: There is a vast difference in awareness of the Presidents now. Opening day I'd say about 25% of people knew what they were. Now it's more like 75% and the other 25% who don't are mostly out of town people.
Perhaps to spice things up, they could include other Presidents beside s the Rushmores as a change of pace? When the Nats press release announced that the "First Ladies" were racing to fight breast cancer, my first thought was that somebody dressed up people as Martha Washington, Mary Todd Lincoln, and Edith Roosevelt. The biggest problem is that Tom was a widower during his Presidency and if we had Sally Hemmings run in his place, there would be hell to pay...
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