Manny--I have mentioned this thought before. In fact: here. Yet, you continue to puzzle me with your insistence on removing both Dimitri Young and Ryan Church from the game--as early as the 7th inning for Defensive Replacements. Manny, if the ballgame is in the 9th inning--believe me--I am all for it--in certain circumstances.
But, once again, this past Saturday Night in that terrible last inning defeat--a loss that if Major League Baseball had any sense of humor--would have cost Our Washington Nationals a Two Count in the "Loss" Column--Young was removed and replaced by Ronnie Belliard in the 8th with the game still in the balance. You had to realize that Dimitri Young was Our Second Scheduled Hitter in that bottom of the 8th. And Yet, you make this move each and every game seemingly without looking at the score.
This reminds me of "Many A Manager" that continually takes out a Pitcher throwing a shutout or one run game heading to the 9th to bring in his Closer--just because everyone else does--without regard to the effectiveness of the Starting Pitcher. And, that Closer, not having his top stuff, or the same effect the Starter just replaced had on his facing batters--gets knocked all over the park--and you lose. That's giving the opposing team a gift. A "Present" that opponents of Our Washington Nationals seem to get near the end of each and every ball game.
Are you telling me that "THE HOTTEST HITTER IN THE GAME"--Dimitri Young--is more of a disadvantage to place at first base late in any game--than his Bat Potential at the plate?

And, are you telling me that My Main Main!! Ryan Church's Defensive Liabilities (which I don't consider to be actually bad at all--everyone was raving about his Centerfield Efforts earlier this season) are a far lesser choice over Brandon Watson moving from centerfield. Watson is a slap hitter. Church is a Game Changing Hitter. And believe me, I VIVIDLY RECALL--that Brandon Watson is a nothing outfielder from his 2006 appearances at RFK Stadium. A mediocre fielder with ZERO ARM. For some reason, I think you know that fact, also.
So Manny--How is replacing just about our ONLY POWER in the lineup for far lesser players a good deal? After "The Chief" blew up in that 9th on Saturday Night, Our Washington Nationals were left with some their best talent sitting on the bench--unnecessarily--out of the game. Yeah, I want Nick Johnson back in the lineup at first base soon, too. And, hopefully, you will have to deal, with this sticky situation, less so in the future.
Unfortunately, We Do Have To Deal With It--Right Now.

So,I am sure I don't need to remind you about that final out at third base.
I Don't Think So.
Manny--you know I love Ya!!--until the end of time. But, please keep Young & Church in the game until the very last moment. Their removal is far too risky for a SHAKY TEAM like Our Washington Nationals.

PS--While I am on the subject of players. Do me a favor--put Ryan Langerhans back in Centerfield. He's a PLUS OUTFIELDER. And, before someone decided to sit him down for the erstwhile Brandon Watson--he was showing some decent power and ability to hit for the extra base. Something Watson and Logan have NO CHANCE OF DOING--no matter how fast they may be. Why are Our Washington Nationals infatuated with Speedy, No Hit, No Arm Outfielders?
Oh Yeah, I Forgot--I should ask for a Moment with Our General Manager?
You can never score too many runs.
Our bullpen is not good enough to concede offense.
Otherwise Manny, you're doing splendid.
SBF, who goes when Fick returns? Watson? Nook "What Is He Doing!" Logan? Your thoughts please.
Amen, SBF. I have said this very thing myself, many times. I have begun to think of it as Ficking Up the Game, since that man with the illusion of usefulness has knocked both Dmitri and Church out of the game single-handedly via Manny's maneuvering more than once.
I sympathize with Robert over his recent loss, and I know that it has adversely affected his game this year. But unless he really turns it around at the plate when he returns (and he was showing some signs of that before he left, to his credit), he should be the next one out the DFA door behind Nook.
Please don't strain the relationship between us blog guys and the Nats anymore.
brainh--I have never liked Nook Logan and if he leaves when Robert Fick returns I will not be upset. At the same time--Watson is a short termer. There is no way he is in the long term plans. I have no doubt Jimbo even feels this way.
Anonymous--I am not ashamed of anything I have ever written on The Nats320 Blog. In fact, I am quite proud of my efforts. Since you must hide your true self--does this mean you are embarrassed by your own work? If you believe there is a wedge as you described in your comments, then there is an agenda, driven by someone elses desires, not mine. I have fun--each and every day. And, I write what I find interesting, thoughtful, enjoyable and honest. Hopefully--The Nats320 Blog will always remain this way.
Keep doing what you're doing, SBF. The last thing we need are bloggers who write as though Stan Kasten were looking over their shoulders, and who are afraid to be honest in their comments on the team. Your writing has integrity, and I, for one, appreciate it.
First off, an absolute Amen to SBF's post.
Second off, an absolutely HUGE Amen to Mike Edgar's comment.
Nuff said.
Cheers, and happy baseball!
No, I just must not have realized it was on anonymous. You write good gamers, but its been hard since that Applebees story.
I'm intrigued. What Appplebees story?
what baseball background do you have that entitles you to make managerial decisions, besides paying an exorbitant amount of money to watch a less then stellar team?
Anon. @ 2pm...I dont really want to go into that right now for the sake of SBF. It was a mistake but we have all moved on. It might just be a little bit harder to get access now but this is a great team to work with.
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