According to The ESPN Zone in Washington, DC, they will host The Official Unveiling of Our Washington Nationals New Uniforms. Thursday, November 6th at 12PM at their 12th and E Streets NW Location. Washington Players attending to be announced later. In the past, Radio Broadcaster Charlie Slowes has always hosted.
No Official Word From The Team Though.
As always, thanks for the news.
I even sent an email to the ESPN zone to ask for the time, but haven't heard back.
The text below was at the end of the Pat Corrales news item on the team site, but it doesn't list a time.
In other news, the Nationals are tentatively scheduled to unveil their new uniforms on Nov. 6 at the ESPN Zone, according to two baseball sources. Manager Manny Acta and outfielders Elijah Dukes and Lastings Milledge are scheduled to attend the event.
Bill Ladson's article (October 24) on the Nats web site reports that Manny Acta, Elijah Dukes, and Lastings Milledge are scheduled to attend the unveiling.
I hope these jerseys put some more games in the win column...
new jerseys? Ugh... I sport around the home, alternate home, away, and batting practice jerseys already. Sheesh, with Chris Horton Redskin jerseys coming out things may get expensive.
Not to be too much of an autograph hound, but is this an appropriate event to gain some ballplayer scribbles?
do you know if these will go on sale right away online? thanks.
DJ--I believe they will only be available for a few days exclusively at The Nationals Team Store, although you can bet mlb.com will have them pretty soon thereafter, especially with the holiday season approaching. Thanks
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