Today, both Capitol Punishment and Banks of The Anacostia question and comment about why THE FACE OF THE FRANCHISE--RYAN ZIMMERMAN, from Our Washington Nationals, has not been signed, yet, to his Sophomore Year Major League Contract.
Both make good points about WHY, or WHY NOT--Washington should sign him to a longer term deal, possibly avoiding his arbitration eligible years, and quite frankly--lock up Zimmerman before he becomes an everyday ALL STAR PLAYER, worthy of gargantuan dollars--for a far lesser price tag. Good Business for The Lerners/Stan Kasten--Financial Security for Zimmerman over the short term.

To me, if a long term deal can be worked out for both sides, I'm all for it. Ryan's got the maturity and mental makeup that generates greatness in fine athletes. First hand, even I saw this, in our brief time together recently. Ryan Zimmerman is not going to be Joe Charboneau (The 1980, Cleveland Indians, Flame Out Rookie of The Year).
But, the reason behind this post, is what Zimmerman told me, off the cuff, at the end of the ESPN ZONE Winter Caravan Cookoff--on this very subject, while he was signing autographs. Knowing Number 11 had yet to sign a 2007 contract, I just, matter of factly, asked, whether there is a reason behind the delay?

Ryan's response: "No, not really. But, there is also no reason to rush. The team controls my rights. Who knows what might happen."
That's all he said, nothing else more specific. Reading between the lines--Zimmerman is sharp enough to listen (along with his agent). He doesn't have much leverage, right now. But, it doesn't keep him from thinking about business, either.

Ryan Zimmerman, obviously, would like to play in Washington, DC, for a very long time. I think all Nationals Fans would love for that to come true. Recently, I stated that, the handling of Ryan Zimmerman, by Ownership, WILL BE the Signature Event to hold The Lerner Group accountable, owning Our Washington Nationals. And, I figured, that moment was, at least, three years away.
Just guessing. But, it might come sooner. And, that would please me, to no end.
Something tells me the Lerners are waiting until the new stadium opens, assuming that the extra new revenue that starts coming in will pay for a long-term Zimmerman contract. But if Zimmerman has an all-star year and starts getting Soriano-like offers at the end of 2007, then the Lerners will look penny-wise and pound-foolish.
I think they should sign him NOW while they still have the chance.
P.S. The Lerners should keep in mind that most Nats fans not only want to see a world championship---they would also like to see a plaque with a "curly W" in the Hall of Fame. It will be a lot easier to get one with Brian Zimmerman (assuming he lives up to his potential) than lobby for Frank Howard.
Eddie: The Nationals own Zimmerman through his first 5 seasons, including 3 arbitration elgible years, I believe. So, he's not going anywhere soon. Its just whether anyone is interested in cutting a deal now, to alter the amount to payout later. Signing now will only happen if The Nats offer Zimmerman something good like in the $7-8 Million average over the 3 arbitration elgible years. Thanks as always for commenting.
I guess I get a little paranoid about the Nats. Maybe right now is a little too early, but I think if he lives up to his potential, it will be better to sign him early rather than late. The Toad lost several good players because he refused to sign players during their option year nor let his general manager do so without his O.K. That's why Rafael Palmeiro left for Texas---to pick up LESS money than the Orioles were offering him to stay. The Nats would be well advised not to repeat his mistakes.
A long term contract is a win-win- win-win contract. Ryan wins. The Nats win. The fans win. The Plan wins. I say ditto for Chad Cordero.
By the way if you for whatever crazy reason want to trade either player, they would be more valuable if signed to a long term contract. How crazy is that? (Baseball Business 101)
Its true: When a player is signed to a set contract--he becomes a tradeable commodity. Amazing!!
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