Today, Our Washington Nationals unexpectantly signed two aging veterans to minor league contracts and invited them to Spring Training. Firstbase/Outfielder/DH Type Dimitri Young and, the irrepressible, Tony Batista--both 33 years old.

I can understand Executive Vice-President/General Manager--Jim Bowden's reason for signing Young. Nick Johnson is slow in recovering from his broken femur. The Nats are not comfortable with the currently available choices to fill in for Nick while he recovers. Young has power. Young has a Daryle Ward bodytype. Young could be the 2007 version of last season's pinch hit extraordinare, Darlye Ward. And, if Dimitri provides the needed help Washington needs off its bench this season, you can bet--JIMBO's TRADING HIM FOR A PROSPECT COME JULY 31st. There is no downside to this move, really. Besides-Young played for The Cincinnati Reds--He AUTOMATICALLY MAKES THE TEAM on that fact alone.

Tony Batista carries no such pedigree. Tony Batista is a NOT A GOOD BASEBALL PLAYER. He just so happened to spend The Nationals final season in Montreal, playing for The Expos. Without a doubt, Batista brings to the plate during each at-bat, one of the most wide open stances in the game. Just a phenomenal ready position. A position that gives Tony power, if he actually hits the ball, but not much else when his swing does not connect, solidly. His fielding is an adventure all in itself. When Tony played for the Baltimore Orioles, never had I seen a third baseman play so non-chalantly. I don't want to say lazy, but at times, it sure looked that way.

Still, Batista drives in runs, but makes a tremendous amount of unproductive outs. Even in a rebuilding mode, I see no use for Tony Batista. When, in your early 30's you go off to Japan to play Professional Baseball, as Tony Batista did, your career is on the downside.
There are better choices, already in camp. Sorry, Tony.
Jimbo--Young's a solid, low cost, high ceiling return pickup. Batista, has no such ceiling. Call me. We need to talk about this one.
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