Today at Nationals.com, Washington Nationals Team President, Stan Kasten, reacts to a question about whether The New Stadium being built on South Capitol Street will host The All-Star Game?
Mr. Kasten replies: "Yes, we have talked about it (with MLB). Nothing official or formal. There are a number of new stadiums over the last half-dozen years and they all want their shot. I don't know what year we are going to have it. There is no question we are going to have it very soon. Let's face it -- it's Washington and all of baseball knows how important it is to have a game here -- front and center -- for all the people that are here."

If MLB is fair (which at times they are not), the 2009 Game, rotated between American & National League Parks, should rightfully be granted to The Washington Nationals. As always, New Yorkers want more and are clamoring for The New York Mets to host the game at Shea Stadium that season before The Mets move to their New Park in Flushing Meadows.
I Love NY Too! But, come on--YANKEE STADIUM IS A LEGEND!! One of the greatest sports venues of all time--deserved in every way. I love RFK Stadium Too!, But, its old and outdated, not as many folks love it as much as I. I understand that. But, RFK should not host The All Star Game. When Shea Stadium is torn down--not alot of folks are going to miss it, either, if they are honest. Sorry. Those are the facts!!
Washington, DC should be granted the 2009 MLB All Star Game. Baseball, 34 years too late, now, must understand the importance of having a presence in THE MOST IMPORTANT CITY IN THE WORLD. There could not be a finer venue to showcase Our City, Our Sport, Our Washington Nationals.
Bud Selig. Just GRANT THE 2009 Games To US!! There should be no dickering on this one!!
UPDATE: Thanks to Basil--I did not realize the 2009 game was already Granted to New Busch Stadium in St. Louis. So, no game will be here until 2011, at the earliest, if the AL/NL rotation stays in effect. Nonetheless, DC DESERVES THE GAME!! Thank you, Basil--MY BAD!!
It's too late to grant the 2009 game to DC, because MLB has already selected St. Louis as the site.
I think it'll be awhile before DC gets one. Given the ballpark building explosion, there are a number of cities with new parks that are ahead of DC (sort of like waiting at the DMV). I'm guessing 2011-13 is a reasonable expectation.
Thank you Basil. I didn't realize New Busch Stadium was already granted the 2009 game. My error.
No problem, Screech. It was a pretty quiet announcement overshadowed by the whole Yankee Stadium '08 thing.
It would be great to have the All-Star Game in DC, but there is a bit of a line. Considering Pittsburgh had it last year and SF will this year, maybe MLB is breaking from the alternation between the leagues. We'll see. Among only NL teams, however, teams with new parks preceding Old Navy Yard* that haven't had the game in the new park yet are Cincy (new park opened in 2001), San Diego (2004), Arizona (1998), and Philly (2005). Plus, there's the new Mets park factor.
(Additionally, Florida's never hosted it, not that it will in the current park.)
In the AL, you've got . . . no one? (Unless you count the remodeled Anaheim Stadium.) However, Selig announced KC will host an All-Star Game sometime between 2010-14.
There's a backlog. As cool as it will be, I doubt MLB will give DC any special consideration in the process.
Basil: I have two separate accounts that I have opened under your Federal Baseball Blog. Yet, I never can access the comment area. And, everytime I ask for the login information to be sent my way, in my email address--which your site says exists, the info never comes my way. I can't quite figure it out. Any help would be grateful.
I hope to God that there is never another all-star game in Shea Stadium. It's the skidmark on the underpants of the USA.
SBF, I'll have the tech person look into that. What are your two log-in names there?
Thanks (and sorry for the frustration),
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