This afternoon, I had a few moments to peruse through a thread on The Ballpark Guys Forum concerning the recent tour of New Nationals Park that The African Queen and I posted about on The Nats320 Blog. Apparently--a reader from that site was so pleased with the pictures of the vintage style signage shown at Our South Capitol Street Ballpark--he produced the above sign.
Sohna and I really liked the effort. In fact--We thought "Welcome Home" was so terrific--it should be placed at all entrances to New Nationals Park. Thank you for your idea--whoever you are--its very nicely done.
A Great Use of The Team Logo.
That was me! I'm glad you all liked it!
I can make other ones (larger ones too) if anyone is interested. Just email me at nd0625@nationals.net
Thanks again!
Interestingly, the Washington time today reports folks from Disney coming to train the Nats staff on customer service. The connection is that at the Disney World resort in Florida, their Vacation Club slogan is "Welcome Home"
I had a question and I thought you might know the answer.
March 30th is my fiance's birthday and she has agreed to spend it with me at the ballpark that evening. I wanted to find a way to thank her and I know that other ballparks let you put your name and birthday on the scoreboard and I wasn't sure if you had heard if the Nationals had plans to do the same.
Do you know who I could contact about this? I know she would love it, especially it being the first game at the new ballpark!
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Davidson--I reached out to The Nationals this morning and received this reply:
"There will be a form they (fans) will need to fill out that they can download from the website."
"To have your message shown during a game a donation to the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation is required via check or money order. Cash or credit cards are not accepted."
"Details on pricing and deadlines for message submittal will be available soon."
So--Yes, you will be able to have your message shown--just keep track of the nats website for the update soon.
Very cool. Thanks for doing that and I'll be sure to keep an eye on the website.
looks like they are using your idea neal!
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