With just seven weeks before that very first Exhibition Game scheduled at New Nationals Park on March 29th--it was time for a Nats320 Stadium Photo Update. But, this one was special. The African Queen & I were on a mission. You can look at all the wide shots you want--but Detail Matters--right now. The Grass looks great, New Nationals Park looks like a ball yard. But, what about THE ENHANCEMENTS? Those little appointments that make things special for baseball fans. The decorations--that make you say; "That's nice."
Yes, Sohna and I wanted to see the furbishings.
As always, Chrystal Stowe, The Director of Community Affairs & Business Development from Smoot Construction was accommodating to our needs. At 11AM this morning, Sohna and I met up with Chrystal at 24 Potomac Avenue (1st & Potomac S.E--the eventual ballpark retail space) to tour the stadium. After signing away our life--if injured--and putting on the customary hard hat--off we went--this time on a two hour tour.
Our February 8th Photo Shoot will be a two parter--too much information to post in just one story.
With that--here we go.
Exterior Shots--South Capitol Street
Vintage Styled Information/Directional Signs--posted on the garages--with ticket booths below. Extremely wide walkway on Potomac,SE--looking north toward N Street.
Potomac Avenue Grand Entrance Staircase (This spot has serious potential--with The Anacostia River directly to the south).
The Presidents Club--The Wood Frames shown will hold White Banners with Red Letters Spelling "Nationals" across the entire Club. The Oval Bar is OUTSTANDING!! Presidents Club has a wide concourse entrance/exit from The Club to the Seating Bowl. Presidents Club will include Vintage Washington Baseball History Memorabilia. And, a glass viewing window looking down on The Nationals Indoor Batting Cages.

Diamond Club--Killer Furnishings with Historic Mementos of DC's Baseball Past. How sweet is a re-creation of the final scoreboard of THE ONLY WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP WINNING GAME IN WASHINGTON, D.C. HISTORY? Check out those Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat Bar Counters. When it comes to DETAIL--those bats are TERRIFIC!!. Sohna loves the lighting fixtures. Clay Bricks--depicting Old Griffith Stadium will surround the Diamond Club Bar--Come On!!--that's a nice touch--any fan will appreciate that.
Including Exterior Walkout shots from Diamond Club to Seating Bowl.
Stars & Stripes Dual Level Club--Four Bars, Premium Concessions--including Brick Oven Pizza & Asian Sushi Bar.
Club Suites & Exteriors--including hanging plasma televisions. Plasma TV's are throughout the stadium on all levels--with overhangs.
Of course--many other generic shots that show New Nationals Park is actually nearing completion.
So the real question is - are you behind the net? That's Jeff and my biggest fear, that we are.
From the photos so far, I'm struck by how small and cozy the park looks. But I'm not surprised to see both of you looking at home already in your excellent seats!
Nice to meet you today ... it's far better to meet SBF and The African Queen than to be yelled at by a guy w/a bullhorn. : )
Great work as always SBF. I'm wondering when the giant baseball (seen in the computerized renderings) will be built on top of the restaurant. That should be pretty cool.
Also, what kind of feel did you get as far as: will this thing be ready for crowds in a month and a half? it still looks like there's alot of work left to be done. I just hope it isn't extremely rushed at the end where shortcuts are taken-this always means problems down the road for a building.
natsva--What struck Sohna and I today was the expansion of 1st Street, Potomac Ave and the beginning of the widening of Half Street. This will allow for better traffic flow. But, the normal traffic on South Capitol and M Street was heavy--at 1PM in the afternoon. Its going to be interesting seeing car traffic on game days.
Certainly, there is ALOT of work left to go--and we have no doubt not everything will be perfect come Opening Night--that's an impossibility. Too much has to perfectly line up for that to happen. But, we don't think that will hamper enjoyment of the stadium. Remember, when this ballpark opens on March 29--there will still be many more additions over the next year. This is an ever evolving project--under a brutal deadline. New Nationals Park will be Ball Game Ready, but maybe not fully functionable. And, I don't think anyone is expecting that. Still, that readiness will offer more than RFK ever did.
On The Computerized Baseball--I was told a few months ago--that was cancelled. Not sure what is going to be put there--if anything. But, I recall Matt Haas from Clark Construction telling Sohna and I that was not in the final design. I'll check to clarify.
and what about the net? R behind the net?
do all the seats in the stadium have cushions on them; I notice that the picture of you two in the second levvel, and there were cushions on all the seats. This would make me very happy cause I could never sit to long on RFK's seats, just as little to hard for an extend sit session.
natsfan7--No, not all seats-Presidents Club, Diamond Club and Star & Stripes Club are the only seats with padded cushions. Presidents Club have padded backs as well.
Do the seats seem as wide to you as they are at RFK? Also, according to the relocation guide, there is supposed to be more footroom between rows at the new place than at RFK. Did you find that to be the case?
We are neighbors... my seats are 219 row B
While it was nice to see all these high priced areas (my budget and thus season tickets will not allow us to get to them) it would also have been nice of you to show the upper deck where the everyday fan will be.....The oval office bar is not where I'll be getting my Bud in a bottle.
Very cool! This is so exciting. Have you heard anything about the "Meet Your Seat" preview for season ticket holders?
Mike Edgar--The seats are slightly wider in all levels of the park, whether you are sitting in club, lower or upper bowl. The leg room is far better in most spots. Although, Sohna and I found the front rows of club level to be a shorter length than the other rows. The same held true for the Upper Terrace Seating. Each seat bottom pops up once you get out of your seat--unlike RFK where to had to manually lift and push down your chair. Actually, I was going to go into greater detail on the seating in part two. Thanks.
Have not heard anything about the "greet your seat preview"--but its on my question list.
More info later today, when I post up part two--including concessions--both premium and regular fare--for EVERYONE.
I have a feeling the "meet your seat" preview is going to end up being the exhibition game on March 29th. Like the fan fest in Bethesda that didn't happen, I'll bet the pressure of getting everything done to open up a new stadium has forced the team to abandon plans for this event. It was a nice idea, however I can understand if they can't get it in before the stadium opens. But Stan Kasten needs to learn to quit thinking out loud whenever events like this are being contemplated. Rightly or wrongly, fans latch on to such statements, treat them as official announcements, and then are disappointed and bear resentment toward the team when they don't occur. He should know by now that although the Washington Post and other media ignore 95% of what he tells them, these thinking-out-loud, we're-hoping-to-do-such-and-such comments will get printed each and every time, without fail.
Thanks SBF great photos, they make me happy that the season is almost here!!!
So is Sohna on first name recognition with all the construction workers?
Thanks, SBF. That's great news about the seats and the legroom. As always, I really appreciate all of your efforts to keep the rest of us informed. I'm really looking forward to your follow-up!
I just heard from my account rep that the Nationals are unsure if they will hold a Meet Your Seat event because of construction. But if they do, season ticket holders will be notified "immediately".
SBF, thanks for the great pics! I'll send JD a link to your blog so she can post about it at jdland.com!
"But if they do, season ticket holders will be notified "immediately" "
See, he never should have said that. Now I'm just going to latch on to that statement and treat it as an official announcement. If they do decide to do this and don't notify me IMMEDIATELY when they've made the decision, then I'll be disappointed and bear resentment toward the team because of that. And since it's already IMMEDIATELY and they haven't notified me, I'm going to go on every single Nats blog to point out that the Nationals told me they'd notify me IMMEDIATELY and they didn't. Just another front-office screw-up. So typical of this ownership group. Boy will I be pissed!
(But not so pissed that I won't go to the event when it happens. Then I'll complain that they didn't give me any freebies.)
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