At times--it did not matter who was walking to the fields before practice because that player would be overtaken by fans--looking for that briefest of personal moments. Which set up this very funny circumstance. As Ryan Zimmerman was beseiged by just about everyone--here comes Lastings Milledge jogging along. And No One--not a SINGLE FAN recognized him. I found that quite hilarious. Here he was--one of Our Washington Nationals biggest off season additions. You just knew--the autograph hounds wanted him badly. Yet, as he whisked right past them--untouched--I stuck out my hand: "Welcome to Washington"--and Lastings Milledge immediately stopped--returning the shake. "How you doing?" he said. And while looking me straight in the eyes--responded "Thanks for the welcome--I am really looking forward to the opportunity." He laughed--and so did I as he proceeded to jog onto the field. Only at that very last igni-second--did the group surrounding Ryan Zimmerman understand who they had just missed. Really, it was funny.
Practice itself consists of various stations. The Pitchers move between fields conducting various drills every 10 minutes of so. If its a throwing day--they are working on the mounds. Third Base Coach Tim Tolman is back with his trusty Air Horn and is not shy to use it. All players must jog between fields--no walking. The Everyday Players took fielding and hitting on one field--while all took swings in The Batting Cages.
The Big Bangers took to the batting circle on the hitting field. Lastings Milledge, Wily Mo Pena and Elijah Dukes were all in the same group. EVERYONE turned to watch. These three sluggers put on a show. Milledge slamming liner after liner--occasionally a shot over the fence. Wily Mo--not only pounding the baseball over the fence--but attempting to hit the other way--as well. As for Dukes--He can HAMMER the baseball. Our General Manager Jim Bowden was watching closely. Our Manager Manny Acta could not turn his head away. And, Hitting Instructor Lenny Harris had his eye on his targets. Even the media stopped to not only watch--but film the display. If this moment was a harbinger of things to come--this was impressive. Yes, its only the first day--and the Batting Practice Pitcher is tossing the baseball in lightly. But, Power is Power--in anybody's league. These three youngsters put on a fine performance. Jimbo must have been proud--as he immediately held an impromptu Press Conference on the field--when it ended. This was not only his sluggers time to shine--but his as well. And, He knew it.
Other Highlights:
For Two Days in row--Nick Johnson continues to show why he is a fan favorite. Yesterday, he handed a baseball to a little girl as he walked off the fields. Today--he absolutely SHOCKED a young boy and his father when he handed over his Adirondack Practice Used Bat--and then offered to sign it for the kid. The Father COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!! Profusely thanking "Mr. Johnson" for his unexpected gift. Sohna saying to the kid--"This made your day?" His father exclaims: "No--he made My Day!! I can't believe he just did that!" The African Queen responds: "He is a very nice guy."
Aria--a young lady whose relative is a huge Washington Nationals Fan--in Los Angeles--donned a Nats Spring Training shirt to get various players signatures. Fluent in Spanish--she had no problem getting the many players to stop. Luis Ayala--as always, was gracious with his time.
That's all coming later--as they are transcribed. No--Sohna and don't have access to The Clubhouse--but we are making the best of the given situation--provided by Our Washington Nationals.
Quotes of The Day:
While standing on the fence line of a practice field this morning--I turned to see Team President Stan Kasten and Our General Manager Jim Bowden driving right toward me in a golf cart. Bowden at the wheel--calling out: "Watch out, I don't want to hit SBF!!" Everyone laughing.
And finally--The Picture of The Day--and its a good one.
Others may have missed it--but this was THE MOMENT IN TIME from Friday, February 22, 2008.
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