Charlie's Officially Back. Thank You.
"Another Curly 'W' Is In The Books!!
Bang!! Zoooom!! Go The Fireworks!!
And, it better be a multi-year deal.
Look out IHOP!!
Beginning in 2005, The African Queen and I enjoyed Section 320 at RFK Stadium. Our Washington Nationals and the Nats320 Blog came to life for us there. Since 2008-we've sat in Section 218 at Nationals Park, but our blog name has not changed. Our roots are in Nats320-and we will never forget those good times. But, as always, we will attempt to provide fun, information and commentary about Our Washington Nationals. All photos, unless otherwise attributed-COPYRIGHT Nats320--ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Any truth to the rumor that the holdup in signing Slowes was because the team was offering him an incentive-laden contract based on the number of times he gives the score of the game he's broadcasting, and Charlie was resisting that? Or were they perhaps proposing to pay him in Curly W pretzels rather than cash? Whatever, it's good news that he's on baord for another year, and presumably happy to be back. (Nothing worse than a disgruntled broadcaster.)
Ease up buddy. I'm sure what few complaints he gets come back to him so see if Charlie gives the score more. Is that your're only gripe?
Well, yes it is my only gripe about Charlie. But I'm far from being the only one who has it!
I feel you folks have exaggerated the point. It might happen during a half-inning when there is an out-of-town scoreboard but it doens't happen the entire game. No way.
Way. Although he was getting a bit better towards the end of the season last year. Maybe he got wind of the complaints and made some changes in his style.
Which does bring up another gripe: the out-of-town scoreboard. It totally sucks all narrative of the game out of the inning where it is done. If stuff is happening, men getting on, tight counts, etc, all the drama of the game is lost to the listener. I know this is a sponsored bit and he has no choice but to do it, but he should have leeway enough from the sponsor to delay it an inning or two if things are happening in the game during the normal inning he's supposed to read the scores. Listeners aren't tuning in to get out-of-town scores. Those are readily available on the Internet if anyone really needs them. Listeners are tuning in to hear the Nats game. That's why the score of the Nats game needs to be frequently updated and the drama of the game needs to be conveyed as the first priority of the announcer.
Also, it's not good the way MASN distorts the picture of the game to show out-of-town scores either.
I like hearing the scores in other cities (Yay Tigers!) and I've never noticed it interrupting the flow of the game narrative. Do you think Charlie's not going to broadcast a close play because he's in the middle of giving out-of-town scores?
I listen to every game on the radio (even the one's I'm attending) and I have only the highest praise for Dave and Charlie. I listened to a Pittsburgh game last year and those guys were awful.
I like to listening to Charlie & Dave on the radio. They are very good and entertaining. Remind me of the old days when baseball games on the radio were very popular. At times I turn down the sound on the TV and listen to them on the radio ala Frank, Sonny & Sam doing the Redskins games(the small time delay is a challenge since the pitch/play is over by the time they broadcast it).
Mr Vienna,
That delay varies. Home games, when you are them and listening, are in real time. When the team is on the road and you watch the game, the radio can be ahead or behind the TV. But sometimes if behind you know something good as happened and you can be ready to hear how they call it on radio.
In the old days, announcers kept a small egg-timer (salt-hour glass) and were perpetuately turning it - when it was empty, they gave the score. Thus, every three minutes, at least, the score was given.
These days, and I love Slowes and am thrilled he is signed, since he has given the Nationals signature lines that do not seem contrived, the announcers go into too much detail on players' backgrounds and related anecdotes - seemingly to fill the dead spaces...But, sometimes, the information and stories bleed into the description of the action.
Trust in dinner at IHOP. All good.
Broadcasting is different nowadays in that there are many more live reads and sponsored features in the broadcasts, making it tougher, I would think, on broadcasters to sometimes squeeze in the sponsored items.
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