Which led all three of us into a very funny conversation about the 1960's TV Show "Get Smart" and a nice anecdote about Charlie making his way down from The Press Box at Turner Field in Atlanta. "I was walking and turning through double door after double door. And, I fully expected one set to close right on my face." Many my remember the Closing Credits for "Get Smart" where Agent 86 was also walking through a similar tunnel--double doors after double doors--opening and shutting behind him--until the final pair--nip Maxwell Smart in the nose. "I felt like I was in a TV Show and my nose was going to get nipped any moment. For those under 30--that story might go right over their heads. But, others--they see the humor." concluded Slowes. Yes, Mr. Bang!! Zoom!! was in the house. The African Queen and I were very happy.
Charlie was on hand to begin his pre-season preparation for Friday Night's first radio broadcast. His partner, Dave Jageler is on route to Viera, Florida right now. For some time, Sohna and I chatted with Charlie for an extended interview for The Nats320 Blog. That interview coming later, but we can report that Mr. Slowes has heard the many comments about not giving the score often enough. And, he has a solution for 2008. Stay tuned for Our Conversation With Charlie Slowes later this evening (I need to transcribe it).
Also on hand TEDDY!!, No not that TEDDY!!, but this Teddy. Yes, "Let Teddy Win!!"--Lou Gehrig himself (honestly that IS his real name) arrived this morning for his first day of watching Spring Training--along with Karen. Lou and Karen have never been to Spring Training before. Always a friend of Good Ole' Section 320 (hard to believe its now in the past)--we have not seen them since the very last game at RFK Stadium. Briefly, the "Let Teddy Win!! Chant was heard around Field One. Even some players and the media--turned to look.
As for workouts on the fields--there were a couple of funny moments.
Finally, after practice concluded--Sohna and I headed over to Space Coast Stadium to take some exterior shots. We have never watched a baseball game there--but plan on being on hand this Thursday for the 11:30AM Exhibition with Georgetown University. The "Casey At The Bat" Statue outside the ballpark is fascinating. We had never taken the time to look at it. The Detail is very nice.
Quotes Of The Day:
As the conversation continues with Charlie Slowes--Third Base Coach Tim Tolman is walking by and yells out to Charlie: "Hey, your're back. What is it? Bang Boom!! Zig Zag Go The Fireworks!!" Charlie: "Close enough, good to see you too." (Everybody cracks up laughing)
SBF to Barry Svrluga--Washington Post. "Barry, good to see you!!" BS--"Hey, how you doing, its GREAT TO BE HERE!!" SBF--"Really, I thought you were sick of the place?" BS--"Look at this weather (raising his arms to the sky), how can anybody be unhappy in this place, considering what I left behind in Washington."
Pictures Of The Day:
Slowes should give the African Queen her new handle: "99" in honor of the great Barbara Feldon, eh? (And you are so right about wanting to be waiting for your "ups.")
Trust in the Bomb. All Good.
Spring Training games are listed on Nationals.com under Schedule.
Please send warm regards to Charlie - we LOVE him!
My two cents: Teddy should never be allowed to win. It's a fact known to presidential historians that Teddy Roosevelt hated baseball. He called it a "silly game."
May he always lose the race.
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