I found on YouTube a one minute and 44 second clip of Our Racing Presidents Skating during intermission of Monday's New York Islanders Game in Long Island, New York. They were invited by the NHL Team for Presidents Day. George skates pretty well. Teddy though--not too good. In fact, he took a few terrific falls, including a nice self-imposed head butt into the glass.
Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt1_dkVdV_0&feature=channel_page
SBF---I, for one, am growing weary of reading about the "Presidents" on your website. This is a baseball team, not a circus. Why not report on what a fraud Smiley Gonzalez is and how inept the Nat's Latino scouting team is?
Phil: Thanks for your charming comments. When you or anybody else starts paying us for covering The Nationals 24/7, We will post everything as soon as we find out the details. Instead, we both have real jobs that take over 40 hours per week from our daily schedules. That makes it virtually impossible to stay on top of everything going on. We make a supreme effort to report on virtually ALL The Nationals News, not just select field stuff--sorry you seem disappointed in that concerted effort. But we will always give it our best and cover the team in our very own unique way.
Personally, I find the Rushmores a welcome distraction when the team is really bad, like last year. Interesting that they should skate in a game where the Capital are not involved. Does this mean they could become "breakout" stars like the San Diego Chicken who became more famous than the Padres in the 70's?
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