Available ONLINE RIGHT NOW--The New Alternate DC Blue Cap with Red Brim and Wavy Patriotic Stars & Bars--Very Nice.
At this link:
I love the Two Tone Cap and this is going to look GREAT WITH THE NEW MATCHING "DC" Blue Jersey. Good Stuff!!
Beginning in 2005, The African Queen and I enjoyed Section 320 at RFK Stadium. Our Washington Nationals and the Nats320 Blog came to life for us there. Since 2008-we've sat in Section 218 at Nationals Park, but our blog name has not changed. Our roots are in Nats320-and we will never forget those good times. But, as always, we will attempt to provide fun, information and commentary about Our Washington Nationals. All photos, unless otherwise attributed-COPYRIGHT Nats320--ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Nice scoop!
it is ugly
Got to see the alternate cap with the alternate jersey to get a better opinion. So far, New Error Caps missed with this design.
I really, really, really dislike that. It's some sort of July 4 nightmare.
The curly w is classic. This is just abominable.
It is too busy and looks like something you would get one of those tourist stores in Pentagon City mall.
Hopefully, the script Washington on the road uniforms will be better.
A swing and a miss... Minor League in every way.
I'd be "okay" with it if it we're two-toned.
Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
Surprised to see that SBF likes this cap. I agree with rage and wfy that it looks like one of the hats sold in those National Mall kiosks along with T-shirts and half-smokes.
".....looks like something you would get one of those tourist stores in Pentagon City mall."
100% accurate. Nailed it on the head. Easy to say this will not be on my Christmas list this year. Hope the new uni's look better.
Fugly! I love the blue cap, red bill. The curly W would go so much nicer.
TOO BUSY!! This is really bad. The white strokes around the DC are way to thick. Everything just looks like a big BLOB on the cap.
The two tone color scheme is nice. I really don't like the flag motif in the logo, though. It's too busy, and likely will just look odd in all but close-up pictures. It's fine for special occasions like July 4, but to have it be a standard cap is overkill.
Co-opting the stars and stripes and sticking them inside the DC logo seems a bit overreaching, if not ostentatious. Washington is a city unto itself, with its own non-federal personality. If what they're doing is trying to create a Nationals Nation of sorts, they would do better to draw from DC flag, rather than the US flag.
i like it... (of course it doesn't replace curly w)
I agree with wfy that the design is very tacky. It looks like something you would buy from a vendor on the Mall selling DC t-shirts with the cherry blossoms or panda bears. Did they get Lee "I'm Proud to Be an American" Greenwood to design it?
here's the new away jersey:
navy alternate:
The "Minor League" comment was spot on. I like the new road jersey and the red alternate with the curly W (which are now featured in the MLB.com store) but very much dislike the DC logo hat and alternate.
I hope they wear that ugly thing once, July 4th. The other 2 jerseys (Road and BP) are great btw.
New jerseys are in and lets just say that they are a TERRIBLE DESIGN and LACK CREATIVITY.
Hideous. Worse than the Expo M, worse than anything that Charlie Finley made the A's wear or that was worn by the Astros.(or anyone in the 70's or 80's)
If I know they're wearing those, I will skip the game.
How about the simple original Senators W?
agree with WFY - the hat and the new uni that matches it looks like something they sell on carts outside of the FBI building downtown. Horrible.
Also, I don't get the new uniforms at all. The alternative red now has a W where the DC was. So what? the other two are miserable. The Grey jersey looks tired, and the stars/stripes suffers for the same reason as the caps do.
The could have done better by just making a White home uni with the curly W on the left breast, or with the DC on the left breast. Sheesh.
It reminds me of a cheesy softball cap.
That is flat out heinous.
Looks like July 4th stuff sold on the Mall.
Of all the things to fix with the Nats, uniforms? I mean, yeah, they weren't great. But don't we need to focus on the TEAM?
Also, the Nats need to make a major branding decision. Will they use "DC" or curly "W"? You can't have both. The best logos/brand marks don't have to compete - there is only one Yankees/Dodgers/SF Giants/Red Sox logo.
I really like the road uni, but agree that the flag motif is rather busy. The flag design reminds me of the one on the caps that all of the MLB teams wore earlier this year (on Sept. 11, I think). I liked the old alternate red jerseys, and the team won a lot while wearing them, so the new red ones are okay by me (though the fonts of the W and the DC seem to clash a bit in the photos).
I don't have any argument about the new uniforms or hat...but wonder why they didn't go all the way with the home whites. Why not script the Nationals on the home jerseys?
There was a show called "Love, American Style" in the late 60s, early 70s. It had the kind of hideous lettering you see now in red/white/blue "DC" mess.
We really need to get a fan thing going to stop this ugly uniform from ever being worn during a game.
just got it in at Lids in Tyson's Corner
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