Earlier today, we were in touch with Centerplate, the concessionaire at Nationals Park. They were very appreciative of all the comments
left here on Nats320 concerning their services and menus on South Capitol Street during Major League Baseball Games. As stated, Centerplate is listening--and watching. The information gathered so far is hopefully influencing their decision making as they move forward with their 2009 plans. But please don't stop commenting now. Just because the original post is a couple of days old, does not mean Centerplate is not looking for any further updates. Your feelings are being passed on to others in the chain of responsibility at Centerplate. Please, keep those comments coming. This really is your opportunity to make your feelings known to those in charge about what you wish to see in food and services at Home Games of Our Washington Nationals.
Give them credit, they are being very pro-active.
You can either leave your comment here at the bottom of this post and they will be forwarded. Or, leave them i
n the original post where Centerplate is already browsing.
Thanks for the good discussion. Centerplate was very pleased with the initial response.
Can we put in a better coffee vendor? The Majorca Coffee was horrible and the kids they had working the kiosk were even worse. I had to call them three times to wait on me, because they were too busy eating and talking.
In another instance at a food service area the cashier could not add $5 and $6--she kept asking me for $13.00. I had to correct her and she still did not believe me. Weren't the staff hired given simple math tests?
Hot dogs were better at RFK.
Occassionally I bought kielbasa that was re-heated from the day before. You can just tell--it is very dry.
Why is it when you get to the park before six and you go to buy food the vendors are out of stuff? No hot cocoa, no helmets for the helmet sundaes,no trays.
Last, Can we make ice available to fans on really hot days?
I agree with the service being the worst problem. Not having food before game was a constant problem in the Upper Deck. I agree the sausages at RFK were much better. Some days I really missed the good old days of 2005 and 2006 at RFK. The quality of baseball has something to do with it. If the team was any good at all the food would taste better I bet.
I'll be perfectly honest---I don't know if anything can be done about the service. They have to work with what's available, and I strongly supect most of the kids they hire don't want to be there. In fairness, it's not an easy job, but you'd like to see a little enthusiasm...
Why can they not hire from other areas, pay more per hour, include a metro card for pre paid transportation an increase their profits on the increased productively of the work force and increased customer satisfaction? Does anyone really question if this would be the result of outside DC workers coming into staff these jobs? Sorry DC but pretending this is not the issue does not fix the issue.
I for one would be happy to pay an extra .25 on EVERY product if that quarter went to a raise to the workers. People will swallow higher prices if they feel they are getting a basic level of service. Right now they arent. And ask the folks at Citizens Bank, Yankee Stadium, Safeco field, they will tell you that the workers there are... working!
No additional comments at the moment but a thank you to Centerplate for listening and to you for providing a means for us to communicate with them.
Also, Happy Thanksgiving!
Please serve non-alcoholic beer throughout the park! Finding it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Some beer stands have it one game and not the next. Same thing at the two bars on the club level where I sit. Sometimes they have it and other times I literally get a blank stare like they've never heard of it.
The only place you can find it on a consistent basis is at the Red Roof Bar and its a schlep out there to get it during a game. I complained to Guest Services about this during the season. They sent me back a list of eight stands that served it. When I walked to each, only one out of eight actually had it.
I know it isn't the biggest seller in the world, but for those of us that don't drink but like it on a hot summers day, it is a pain to wander around trying to find it.
And, if the Nats are trying to create a family-friendly atmosphere this will help!
Believe it or not, there aren't that many popcorn stands. My 3-year old loves popcorn and we had to walk from the club level out to right field to get some.
Giffords Ice Cream is always an adventure. Once I was told on a night in April when there was low attendance they were out of cones in the 3rd inning. Another time I was told they didn't serve double scoops on cones, only in bowls (which isn't true). They have the worst service in the place. Their employees are always standing around chattering or staring into space. It's not like they have to remember complicated orders with multiple items like fries, sandwiches, dogs, sodas, etc. Its just ice cream people!!
On the opposite end of the service spectrum, Five Guys is the best. Yeah, the lines are long, but they keep it moving!
The bartenders at Red Loft and Boardwalk were great! Will they be there this year or what?
I am pretty sure the good help will always stay, no matter who is running the joint.
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