In their latest press release, Our Washington Nationals claim to have distributed over 10,000 Tickets to August Ball Games at New Nationals Park. The effort providing the opportunity for youngsters to experience A Major League Game in The District of Columbia. One of the many community oriented projects in which Washington's Baseball Team is involved.
Here is the entire team press release.
The Washington Nationals today announced they have distributed over 10,000tickets to community and civic groups in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area for games at Nationals Park from August 1 through August 30. The ticket distribution is a part of the 2008 Commissioner’s Initiative for Kids Program, developed in 2004 as a way to provide tickets to children who may not otherwise have an opportunity to attend a Major League Baseball game. The Nationals donated tickets to a variety of community groups, including Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington and DC Parks & Recreation -- King Greenleaf Recreation Center. Most Valuable Kids, a partner of the Nationals which offers children’s groups access to professional and collegiate sports and entertainment events through an online ticket donation and reward system, helped to distribute hundreds of tickets to underserved youth.
The Washington Nationals are committed to providing programs that enhance education, increase participation in youth baseball and softball, while improving the quality of life in the local communities of the District of Columbia, Northern Virginia, and Maryland.
Recipient Organizations
Allow God Ministries, Alternative House, ANC 6D, Arlandia Health Center, Baden Aquasco Little League, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington, Catholic Youth Organizations, Center City Consortium/Catholic Charter Schools, Center for Adoption Education and Support, Children’s National Medical Center, Community of Hope Freedom School, Compel Them Outreach, Covenant House, DC Department of Mental Health: Parent and Development Program and Child and Family Services Center, DC Dynasty Youth Baseball, DC Parks & Recreation – King Greenleaf Recreation Center, DC Youth Advisory Council, Dewitt Warrior Transition Program, DMB Sports Camp, Early Childhood Academy Public Charter School, Educating Youth Through Employment Program, Evangel Assembly of God Youth Ministries, Exodus Treatment Center Youth Department, Fourth District Metropolitan Police Department, Friendship Baptist Church, Friendship House, Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital, Green County Little League, Helping Young People Express, Hillcrest T-Ball/Baseball, Hope for Henry, KIPP DC Charter School, Latin American Youth Center, Liberian United Methodist Church, Lifestyles of Maryland, Maryland Sheriff’s Youth Ranch, Metropolitan Baptist Church, MS Society KidVenture, Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Most Valuable Kids, Nations Capital Young Marines, One Economy Corporation, Rape Abuse & Incest National Network , RecPac, Roots Activity Learning Center, Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Second Baptist Church Southwest, Shaw Middle School, So Others Might Eat: SOME Place For Kids, St. Joe’s School, Starlight Mid-Atlantic, TSN Ministries, Visitors’ Service Center, Youth Entrepreneurial Services
Great to see that they are giving kids an opportunity to attend games!
I hope the kids enjoy those seats in the Presidents Club and the RF mezzanine. Those appear to be the only sections where big chunks of seating are available, don't they?
Great idea!!!
More likely they are in the 10 and maybe even 5 dollar sections, both because those tend to be used for group sales, but also because it means that the high rollers wont have to deal with hundreds of kids (about 750 a game).
Oh, and just to throw in a Lerners Are Cheap bit, it means that the folks who come and want to buy cheap tickets those nights will get pushed in to the 20 dollar range, twice what they wanted to spend.
That said it is a VERY good thing for them to do, and they should have had this program up year round (have schools take field trips etc.)
I know for a fact that The Team gives away far more tickets to games than has been mentioned in this press release. School Groups, Field Trips, etc. have been given access, just not mentioned previously. When the team played more Weekday Day Games during The School Year at RFK, this was far easier. This season, there are only, if I recall correctly, only three to four Weekday Afternoon games due to the expected Rush Hour Traffic Problems that did not appear, Thankfully.
Anonymous, you clearly don't get my attempts at humor. And sorry, I don't do smilies.
You know where most of those kids will really be? In my section (419-420) and in the RF Terrace. Those are the seats they've been using for group sales all year. Every night I get to have the entire group walking up the stairs as the game starts to find their seats (blocking my view), only to turn right around and head back down to get food, then come back up with their food, then leave en masse around the sixth inning to catch their bus. Of course their chaperones have to stand in the front of my section (blocking my view) to count heads during the exodus. Ushers keeping fans from wandering the aisles during play? You got to be kidding, right?
Still, though, I'm all in favor of them giving tix away to kids.
I agree with An Briosca Mor. It ticks me off that when they sold partial (20 game) season plan tickets in the Infield , they left the first few rows of Sec 419 available for groups sales to groups that surrounded us. I don't appreciate the constant in and out, taking other peoples seats, teenage drama, etc. Next year I want first row.
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