The pall over the latest injury to Our Washington Nationals could be felt all the way from the Ohio River to the Potomac River tonight. Elijah Dukes going down hard, with an injury to his right knee chasing down a fly ball by Jay Bruce in left field at The Great American Ballpark in the bottom of the seventh. This anxious moment brought total silence.
Quiet In Our House. Quiet from Charlie & Dave on the radio. And even quiet from Our General Manager Jim Bowden, on hand, standing with this incredulous look on his face. Every one of us wondering--How much worse could it possibly get? Are the 2008 Version of Our Washington Nationals cursed?
The Baseball Gods not looking favorably on the team that calls The Nation's Capital it's home this year.
This one was cruel. While chasing down a fly ball over his head, Our Number 34 turned twice on the stroked ball. Twirling backwards, Dukes starting limping on his right knee, before he even caught the baseball. Did he ever go down hard. In pain, Elijah looked mighty hurt--Seriously. Eventually, he was carted off the field, walking gingerly to the ambulance cart.
Honestly, I couldn't believe it. The entire play seemed so innocent, nothing overly stressful for a good athlete.
You have to feel for him. Over the past month, Elijah Dukes has arguably been our most exciting and best player. After a slow start, Our Number 34 has been developing the many athletic talents he truly possesses for the game. How sad that he is also now down--adding to the ever growing injury list. A right patella (knee cap) injury strain the latest update. No word on how serious. MRI to come.
It's just sad. Very, very sad. Sohna and I only wish the best for Elijah Dukes' full recovery.
For once, I am actually lost for words.
And the sting took the fire out of tonight's game. The Cincinnati Reds coming back to defeat Our Washington Nationals 3-2 on a walkoff single to left by Former Montreal Expos Farmhand Brandon Phillips.
Say it ain't so. Let's hope the MRI comes back showing just a sprain.
Our prayers are with Elijah Dukes, and we wish you a speedy recovery!
And to add insult to injury, while the examination was being performed MASN flashed "Orioles-Rangers NOW on MASN2"
Is this a regular occurrence? Is it reciprocal? Do Mets games direct viewers to YES?
There is a silver lining in this mess. The Nats now own the worst record in MLB and are on track for the first pick in the draft next year. Further, with every loss, the franchise gets closer to getting rid of JimBo, the curse of the franchise.
José (José...José...José) Guillen had a temper tantrum in K.C. If the Royals want to let him go, should we pick him up? Yes, he's a walking time bomb, but this may the spark the Nats need in their clubhouse right now.
Meniscus tear and a partial tear of the patella tendon. Out 4-6 weeks (they say). More realistic? 8-12 weeks.
I guess Elijah is day to day. . . .
No, Guillen is like a virus for which the Nats have no need.
Is the definition of not caring getting hit by a pitch and not arguing when you aren't awarded first base?
Whats sad is that Dukes aint DLed and Manny is shorthanded again... See: Nieves PHing today.
Hi-- I'm a grad student at U of Maryland and my market research class is doing a project on Nations fan conversion and season ticket options. Would you mind posting the link to our survey on your blog? It would be a big help- let me know if you have any questions-- we're hoping to have all of the inputs by Wednesday night.
survey link-- http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=g_2bXh_2fY1HotpS5EW8zFAq_2fQ_3d_3d
Boy do I agree with your observation about the lack of basics. My major cncern after the game tonight (7/8) and Sunday (7/6) is that Manny doesn't share that concern. He keeps putting new shades of lipstick on avery ugly pig. He also gives no support to his team on questionable calls i.e tonight's double balk inning and what evr you want to call the "compromise" foul/fair call on Sunday. f he doesn't fight why should the team?
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