Felipe Lopez was being pummeled by Our Washington Nationals. Virtually all his teammates were rushing on to the field in great joy. Our Manager Manny Acta was clapping his hands in rhythmic applause with the gathered crowd. Just 30 minutes beforehand--FLop was destined to be one of the goats in this afternoon's affair with The Atlanta Braves. But New Nationals Park was now jumping, celebrating, because Baseball, That Great Equalizer Of Sport--had given Our Number Two a second chance.
That same opportunity handed Shawn Hill this afternoon.
And a resurgence from that awful start--now directly feeding Our Washington Nationals on to victory.
Baseball is skill. Sometimes luck. And Many Times--OPPORTUNITY. 29,473 witnessed this afternoon on South Capitol Street some of the very best that Major League Baseball has to offer--including some inopportune errors, and one thrilling finish.
One enjoyable game that went down to the final At-Bat. A situation that not many still remaining at New Nationals Park thought possible--heading to the bottom of the 12th.
Resetting The Scene.
The Atlanta Braves and Our Washington Nationals had battled to a standstill all this late afternoon--into the early evening. The 4:36PM start a blessing for two sinker ball pitchers throwing in the late afternoon sun. Both Our Shawn Hill and Atlanta's Jair Jurrjens were on top of their games. Both going deep into the affair. Eight strong innings for Our Number 41 and Seven well pitched frames from Jurrjens. A pitchers duel had broken out. Sure, there was a double here, a blooper there and an RBI Groundout--but everyone watching knew who was in charge. Hill & Jurrjens were setting the pace--despite each giving up just one run apiece.
A tempo that continued well after both had been removed from the game. Past the 9th and onto the 10th this game proceeded. Neither Atlanta or Washington gaining an advantage. At least until Our Washington Nationals loaded up the bases with one out in the bottom of the 10th. An edge gained, when The Braves Manny Acosta lost control. A walk to Willie Harris, followed by a seeing eye ground ball single through the hole at shortstop by The Man Continuing His Career Week--Wil Nieves--putting runners on 1st and 2nd. Then, another walk to Pinch Hitter Aaron Boone to load the bases.
Our Washington Nationals NOW Sensed The Victory. Our Fans were on their feet in anticipated celebration. Even Our General Manager Jim Bowden was twirling in delight--in his private box. The Game Winning Moment was at hand with FLop at the plate. Not one single person rooting for Our Team--believed this ballgame was not already over. At least until Our Number Two chopped a Manny Acosta pitch right back to the box. Acosta immediately throwing home, whereupon The Braves Catcher Brian McCann tossed to first base to retire Felipe Lopez. Just like that--an inning ending Rally Killing, Double Play. A Collective Sigh of Disbelief not yet heard throughout The New Ballpark was experienced. JimBo dejectedly sitting down in his seat.
With the winning run just 90 feet away--Our Washington Nationals had failed. Flop had not delivered.
This long affair would continue on. Past Sunset, into Dusk--onto the 11th and then the decisive 12th. A final frame that brought the full gamut of emotions to each and every person closely watching this game. What a rollercoaster ride this became. I am sorry--if you left early--you made a big mistake. Anything can happen in extra innings. Did that ever prove correct this evening.
Everyday Saul Rivera was still on the mound--working his second inning of relief. And Our Number 52 was tiring. Who could blame him. Saul has pitched in 16 of Our Washington Nationals first 28 Games--over 19 innings total. Atlanta saw and took their advantage. The Braves' Mark Teixeira led off the 12th and ripped a liner down the rightfield line. A clean double that eventually found his pinch runner--Martin Prado--advancing to third on a ground out by Brian McCann to Nick Johnson at first base. And becoming the eventual go ahead run--scored by Prado on a clean--first pitch--single to right with two outs by Mark Kotsay. A now 2-1 Atlanta Lead that found many more patrons heading for the exits.
Giving up on Our Washington Nationals--those leaving fans made an error in judgement. As the bottom of the 12th turned into one barnburner of a frame. If baseball is entertainment--why would you miss out on The Finale?
The Atlanta Braves Manager Bobby Cox sent Acosta back out to the mound for his third inning of work. A decision that looked wise early on. Austin Kearns led off and immediately got in trouble. Two straight strikes put him in a HUGE HOLE. Earlier this April--Our Number 25 would have become an easy out. Not Today--for Austin Kearns became a patient man--and got this decisive inning rolling in the 12th by taking ball four on a full count--arguably--he FINEST AT-BAT of this young season.
Then, Willie Harris stepped to the plate and RIPPED an Acosta Fastball right at Teixiera at first base. A Smash that The Atlanta First Baseman could not handle. Quickly, the speedy Harris ranged to first--everyone safe with no outs. Washington Fans now screaming with delight. The Tomahawk Choppers sitting on their hands. A turnaround was in the works and only got better when Nieves mistook a signal from Third Base Coach Tim Tolman and bunted with two strikes. A risky move that turned profitable when Acosta bent over to field the hard stroked bunt and saw the baseball go right under his glove, through his legs and over the mound!! As The Home Faithful Roared Their Approval--Our Washington Nationals were again 90 feet from tying this ballgame--180 feet from winning it--with no outs.
Our General Manager again pacing in his Private Box.
The Game was again on the line and Our Manager Manny Acta went to the final person on his bench this day--Ronnie Belliard. Having not seen much action since FLop took his starting position--Our Number 10 has remained a content--Team Player. A Professional approach, sitting back and waiting for his opportunity to rise again. Ronnie Belliard's time had now come--and he DELIVERED with a five pitch walk that sent New Nationals Park into an up roar. Not only had Our Washington Nationals fought back gallantly to tie the game--now The Winning Run was just 90 feet away.
And guess whose turn it was to bat? Yes--FLop.
Having failed with the game on the line in the 10th--Felipe Lopez had his chance at salvation. Everyone left watching Our Washington Nationals was counting on FLop. While The Braves found themselves counting the mistakes of the just relieved Acosta--five walked batters and one crucial error. Lefthanded reliever Buddy Carlyle now standing on the mound in hopes of retiring three consecutive Washington Batters.

With the ENTIRE REMAINING CROWD now standing and clapping--FLop settled in--batting Lefthanded. And he didn't wait long. Looking to prove himself--Felipe Lopez swung at Carlyle's very first offering--a fastball in over the plate--that Our Number 2 drove into the gap in left centerfield--over the drawn in Atlanta Outfield--For THE GAME WINNING HIT!!
As New Nationals Erupted over this now UNEXPECTED WIN--FLop enjoyed the comfort of being redeemed. Skill, luck and opportunity had all come his way--in one afternoon. How consistently, the Great Game can humble you one minute--then make you estatic the next. Not only were Felipe Lopez's teammates rejoicing in his honor on the field--Our General Manager was celebrating the performance in his Private Box.
Curly "W" Number 11 continued Our Washington Nationals recent roll--winners of 6 of their last 8 games--no longer the doormat of Major League Baseball. And The Bang!! Zoom!! of The Fireworks!! signifying that even when you are down--you are still not out. Because--when you least expect it--your Bad Day may well become your Redemption Day.
Thank You FLop for hanging in there and stroking the game winner.
Thank You Shawn Hill for persisting through constant pain and again showing you belong.
And Thank YOU!! Our Washington Nationals for not giving up--when most other teams would have folded.
Combined with last night's 6-3 Victory Over The Atlanta Braves--Our Washington Nationals are slowly showing what they can do--when playing good baseball. Redeeming themselves--when some had already given up on them.
Game Notes & Highlights

Shawn Hill is a quality Professional Pitcher. Did he EVER turn some heads today. Going 8 terrific innings--giving up just one run. 94 pitches thrown, allowing just four hits and two walks. The sole run allowed on a two out double by Gregor Blanco in the sixth--then blooped singled home by Yunel Escobar. Other than that damage--nothing--Shawn Hill was OUTSTANDING. Showing signs of a quality Number One Starter, Our Number 41 pitched effectively--and well enough to win. Today--Shawn Hill was the pitcher I have enjoyed seeing since early 2006 at RFK Stadium. Hopefully--he can keep it up. We need him--badly.

With one out in the top of the 10th inning--Ruban Gotay was on first base after a single. With the hit and run on--Gotay took off while Atlanta's Pinch Hitter Bryan Pena swung at Luis Ayala's offering in protection. The resultant fly ball to Willie Harris in left field caught Gotay by surprise. Realizing too late that he needed to retreat to first base--Our Number 1 tossed the baseball to Felipe Lopez near second base--who immediately wheeled and ABSOLUTELY FIRED A STRIKE to Nick Johnson at first base for, not only, an inning ending double play--but The Defensive Play of This Game. What a throw from FLop!! TERRIFIC!! One thing Felipe Lopez has always maintained is a dynamite arm.
Our Washington Nationals now 5-2 over their current 11 game home stand.
Our Team President adding: "We also want to highlight in blue--the pitcher currently in the game--but the technicians need to add that code into the program." That code will be added over the next week.
Also, Sohna asked Mr. Kasten if something could be done to the hands of The Curly "W" Clock located just to the right of the HDTV Scoreboard. The Baseball Bat Hands are hard to see. "Most likely not a 2008 change," he replied. "If at all--that would happen for next season."
Patience is a virtue and changes don't usually happen overnight--but as Our Friend Jim H stated to Sohna and I as we chatted after the game this evening: "That Scoreboard looked terrific. Stan listened and you have to give him credit for taking care of something fans felt dearly about. I LOVE THE CHANGES. It's exactly what I wanted to see."
Sohna and I couldn't agree more.
Tonight's InGame Photos--(AP) Pablo Martinez Monsivais
what a great game! i went with some people from work. and, of course, i stayed until the end. and boy was it worth it.
Thanks for being an advocate for scoreboard improvements.
I don't recall if you've discussed it before, but I wondered if you've talked w/Stan about traffic in the aisles. I have lower bowl seats on the aisle closest to home plate and am going crazy from all the people and vendors blocking my view.
Do you know if Stan has considered posting signs and/or having ushers encourage people to wait until a break in play before leaving/returnging to their seats?
I have a suggestion for a change to the smaller strip screens, which are located about Club level - behind each dugout. The pitch MPH needs to be added. If you are sitting down the line or in the outfield you need to immediately crank your head to the main screen(which flashes the number for about 1.3 seconds). How about replacing slugging percentage with the MPH on the small screens and leave it up there for twice the current display time. Remember, not everyone sits near or behind homeplate. Let me know if you agree.
Great 12th last night. The Atlanta Choppers got very quiet all of a sudden - just like the Cubs fans on the walkoff homer by Nieves!
W Harris smashed a hit through Prado's firstbaseman's glove. Texiera had been removed for a pinch runner (which you reported).
(Sohna's Helper)
dcbatgirl, *believe me* I feel your pain, but the problem with baseball is how do you define a stopppage in play? There's one between every pitch (the ump calls timeout) and you can't hold people up between half-innings. I fear we may have to put up with this.
Another secondary scoreboard/ribbon board thing. They have small ribbon boards above each of the bullpens which right now seem to be used only to provide captioning of what the announcer is saying for the hearing impaired. While in RFK the hearing-impaired as far as announcements were concerned would have been about 90% of the crowd, at Nationals Park I think only people who are actually deaf would need to read the captioning to know what is being said. Still, I guess this may an ADA requirement and I have no problem with them doing that. But when there is action in the bullpen, why aren't they using these boards to show us who is warming up? Seems like that's why the ballpark designers put those boards there in the first place, wouldn't you think? (No need for radar gun readings here, though, as you have pointed out before. Just number, name and L or R.)
We need to keep Will Nieves - the Nationals version of Avis - "Nieves Tries Harder!" As the only one of the four catchers used by the Nats this year to throw out a runner; and a steadying influence on a tenuous relief corps, which is going to have to rely increasingly on young arms (eg. O'Connor; Schroeder), he is the man who can call a good game, keeping runners at bay, and block errant pitches. Throw into the mix his good Karma, witnessed by a bunt on 2 strikes going through the wickets of the pitcher, and we need to let twinkie boy Estrada work on his body tone in Columbus or such, and keep Nieves as a back-up to LoDuca.
Second, let's option or cut Machowiac and pick-up Wilkerson, or we can work a deal with Seattle that swaps a player for their willingness to pick-up part of his $3 million contract. I think that he would be a valuable guy on the bench for us, and could have a resurgance back with the Nats...
Trust in the healing powers of the bobble-head, Mr. Demitri Young! All Good.
Great to meet you all before Tuesday's game, SBF!
I'm glad to hear that the scoreboard got fixed for real. The BallPark Guys are discussing it at length, and it sounds like the front office has taken our advice to heart.
Sorry I missed that game yesterday.
SBF -- I saw the new scoreboard layout this evening, and it is a radical improvement. The lineups, the batting averages and pitchers stats were great.
But I wasn't as keen on the digital clock in the middle of the scoreboard. We have an analog clock by the Nationals sign above the board, and digital clocks in both bullpens. To me, the digital clock on the scoreboard felt like overkill, even intrusive. I'd be more interested in game time temperature, and/or humidity and wind velocity and direction.
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