The Rains Came Down And Didn't Let Up. Neither did The New York Mets. Our Washington Nationals lost 5-0 playing five abbreviated innings this Sunday Afternoon at Shea Stadium, in Queens. Billy Traber got hammered, not much else really happened, unless you enjoy seeing Major League Players taking a shower while the diamond becomes an ever dangerous slick playing surface. So, instead of rehashing what little there was to digest--here are My Rainy Day Random Thoughts.

When Former Washington National Ramon Ortiz got off to such a hot start to the 2007 Season playing for The Minnesota Twins, I remember reading him exclaiming: "I feel great, best in years and thanks to Pitching Coach Rick Anderson" for all his work with Ramon. Vividly, I remember this, because Ortiz went on to say that Washington Pitching Coach Randy St.Claire never really helped him out. And, I was stunned to read this remark. Although I can't find the exact quote online, this one was close. I know Ramon said it though.

Never have I felt that Randy St.Claire is anything but a TERRIFIC PITCHING COACH. One who can have his job with Washington FOR LIFE--as far as I am concerned. And, as the 2007 Season has progressed, St. Claire has been Our Savior. Really, what a fabulous job working individually with each and every pitcher that Our General Manager Jim Bowden brought to camp. Who could have predicted that four of Washington's top 5 supposed starters would be lost for most of the season.
Who could have predicted that Randy St.Claire never missed a beat. Whether Our Manager Manny Acta has thrown Matt Chico, Jason Bergmann, Mike Bacsik, Micah Bowie, Tim Redding or Joe Hanrahan out on the mound--each has had their moments. None have really embarrassed themselves. Sometimes all six have been really good. Remarkable that 13 different Pitchers have been handed the baseball to start games so far in 2007. And, Our Washington Nationals haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
Credit that to Our General Manager Jim Bowden and his scouts for finding them. And, a HUGE TOAST to Randy St.Claire for finding a Major League Game in each and everyone of them, again. There was a good reason that Washington re-signed Our Pitching Coach last fall, before hiring Manny Acta. Why let someone leave that's just PERFECT FOR THE JOB!!

Ensberg would provide a fine backup to third base for Ryan Zimmerman. Also allowing "Z" to possibly take a break now and then. And, more importantly--would give Washington a right handed power bat off the bench, and a much better choice for backup first baseman--than Tony Batista. Ensberg's got to be cheap. Besides, he's cranked out TWO MONSTER HOME RUNS at RFK the past few seasons. Why not take a flier on Morgan, if he doesn't cost much? No reason not too.

Now, Mr. Kasten has made the very same promise to Tommy Glavine. Which leaves Our Team President in a bind. You see, Glavine was missed in the rotation this weekend by Our Washington Nationals in New York. Tommy's next scheduled start is Tuesday Night, July 31st--Trading Deadline Day--against The Brewers in Milwaukee. Will Mr. Kasten Stay--Or Will He GO??
Maybe the signing of Ronnie Belliard and Dimitri Young was part of "The Plan" after all--allowing Mr. Kasten to head to Milwaukee to personally see Tommy Glavine go for Number 300. Gotta Love His Dedication, though. How many of your former bosses have personally come to see you have a GREAT DAY??!! None of mine, that I can remember. But, I would have loved it, if they had made the effort. Loyalty, on the part of Our Team President, that has not gone UNNOTICED by me.

Finally, This Thursday August 2nd,--Our Washington Nationals will honor and celebrate the 100th Anniversary of arguably The Greatest Pitcher in The History of Baseball (not many come close, if at all). Walter Johnson pitched his very first game for The Washington Nationals (Senators) on August 2, 1907. No other "Washington Great" links the fine history of baseball in Our Nation's Capital than "The Big Train". The ceremony will preceed that night's game against The St.Louis Cardinals.
For some time, I have worked on something special for that date. An Anniversary piece that means alot to me. Please look for my very distinctive post, later this week. Any Fan of Washington Baseball and Its History--will enjoy it. That, I am sure.
what about Jerome Williams
And on this day, congratulations to Cal Ripken Jr. for his entry into the HOF. What a fantastic speech. My loyalty in teams has changed since the Nats arrived. But my favorite player was, and still is, Mr. Ripken. Congrats to Tony Gwynn, as well.
Thanks, Gentlemen...for doing it the right way.
Jim: Cal's speech was just fabulous. Typical, self deprecating and appreciative of everything in life. I just love that man. Thanks.
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