One person can make a difference.
That's the belief of The Jefferson Awards For Public Service. Since 1972, what began as the "Nobel Prize" for civic duty has transformed into a "Call For Action" for volunteers. In an era where individual accomplishments many times overshadow community needs, those involved with The Jefferson Awards believe Americans still have that heart and passion to work with others less fortunate--to better the society in which we all live.
Co-founded by Jackie Kennedy Onassis, The Jefferson Awards have transformed over the past 37 years and currently presents national and local awards to Elected or Appointed Officials; Private Citizens; those benefitting the disadvantaged; those providing public service under 35 years of age; and to those for benefitting local communities. Past winners have included Melinda and Bill Gates, Lance Armstrong, Oprah Winfrey, Paul Newman, General Colin Powell and President Jimmy Carter.
Select company all.
And now Our Washington Nationals Ryan Zimmerman has been nominated for The All Stars Helping Kids Award to join that elite group--the latest Jefferson Award for Public Service honoring athletes for volunteerism in their communities. Founded by former San Francisco 49er Ronnie Lott--the NFL Hall Of Famer always has believed "I didn't want to walk away from my life feeling that I didn't do enough." His All Stars Helping Kids Foundation is the national recognition program helping to inspire and shape values in youths while honoring athletes for being role models.

"We were absolutely thrilled to hear about The Jefferson Award," proclaimed Cheryl Zimmerman, Ryan's Mother. "Even Ryan did not know about the nomination, but he was very pleased that someone has noticed his effort."
Our Number 11 was nominated along with 51 other athletes who have given back to their communities. The Z-Man honored for his work with his ziMS Foundation, The Washington Nationals Dream Foundation, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The American Red Cross and The Professional Baseball Trainers Society.
Cheryl Zimmerman: "We've only been around for a few years, but knowing others are paying attention and recognizing what Ryan is trying to do--well--that's something we really, really appreciate.
You too can participate, by voting online or texting STAR49 to 55333. Voting ends November 15th.
10 Athletes will win spots on the "Dream Team Of Public Service" at the December 8th Sports, Business & Philanthropy Luncheon in New York City. Then, those "Dream Team" Members will be invited to Washington, DC in June, 2010 for The Jefferson Awards For Public Service. Two of whom will be presented The National Awards for "Outstanding Athlete In Service" and for "Outstanding Athlete As A Newcomer To Service".
Worth repeating yet again, Major League Baseball in The Nation's Capital, Our Washington Nationals and The Washington Nationals Dream Foundation all provide more to our community than just the baseball played on the diamond. And Ryan Zimmerman has perfectly proven that point.
Yes, one person can make a difference. Please Vote for Ryan Zimmerman. Let HIM know, you not only care, but you can make a difference too.
PS--Also, it is still not too late to purchase a ticket to The 4th ziMS Foundation Gala in Virginia Beach on November 6th. The November 7th Golf Tournament is sold out, but some $95 Gala Tickets are still available. All the details here.
Zimmerman Family Photo--copyright Nats320--All Rights Reserved
1 comment:
Thanks for the "heads up." I just voted for Zman. Hope all of Natstown does.
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