Its amazing how things can come back to haunt you. Tonight, while driving home from work, Charlie Slowes was interviewing new Washington Nationals 3rd Base Coach, Tim Tolman. Charlie was asking Tim about his role as Spring Training Coordinator and how things have changed since the original 72 some odd players showed up for the first day of Full Squad Workouts six weeks ago.
The interview was typical until, at the very end, Slowes gets off a terrific question, asking Tolman: "Alot of people talk about the inexperience of the youth and prospects in camp with The Washington Nationals, but you are sort of in the same boat. This is your first assignment as 3rd Base Coach, what have you been doing to get prepared for the new season?"
Tolman responded: "Yes, that's right. I need to study not only our players, but those on the other teams, especially the outfielders. Everyone knows what (Jeff) Francouer (Atlanta) can do with his arm. But, I need to study alot. Fortunately, Manny (Acta) knows the league and has been guiding and assisting to improve my knowledge. I got alot to learn."
It was a good question and honest answer. Then, I get home, turning the TV on MASN which is broadcasting the game. Lo and behold, in the bottom of the third inning, Dimitri Young is on first base with NO OUTS. Brian Schneider slams an opposite field gap shot past The New York Mets, Beltran Perez. Young can easily stop at 3rd, Schneider can cruise into second with Ryan Church up next. Amazingly, Tolman tests Beltran--who fires a liner to Jose Reyes at short, who EASILY tosses out the lumbering Dimitri Young.
I actually started laughing. Already considering writing about the Pre-Game Interview--now, I had too. Tolman's sending of Young brought back memories of Tony Beasley, and some of his head shaking decisions last season as Our 3rd Base Coach. I'll give Tim a pass this time, its still Spring Training. But, come Monday, please do not send a slow moving runner in a tie game, in the third inning, with no body out, runners set on 2nd & 3rd, and a potential power hitter coming to the plate. PLEASE!!
Base Running 101.
You are too kind so always.....why is he coaching Third if he does not know the players....I should know this but where was he last year and why did Manny hand pick him?
Jayb: I actually posted about Tolman and Aponte (Bullpen Coach) before. Both are men that were influential in his younger career as a player and coach. Mentors. So, he has rewarded them. It will be interesting to see how it works out.
I am so bummed. Less than 30 thousand tickets sold for opening day 2007. What has to happen to turn this around? Since '05 attendance and season tickets sales have dwindled. I hope we're not heading for a repeat of Senators I and Senators II.
The Nationals have a solid fan base. What they have lost over the past two seasons are the casual and family fans that go to be involved with the EXCITEMENT of something special or different. The BUZZ. Unfortunately, there is little excitement about the team right now. That will change. And, then we shall all hear the complaints about the casual fans that come to the games, yak all night long, not pay one seconds attention to the game, and take away the enjoyment of the solid fan base. I can just see it happening.
SBF - I don't begrudge the casual fan chatting all night as long as they don't bug me, or as long as I don't let them bug me. You know, I think Boswell said it in Ken Burns film - and if it wasn't Boswell or the Ken Burns film, apologies - "Baseball is a visiting game, where fans can go and have a chat while watching a ballgame."
JW--I agree with you. I should have phrased the comment better. My point was that the folks that complain about not many fans and less attendance, will be the same that complain about the non fans who will show just to be there, when the tickets get hot. thanks.
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