(AP Photo--Ron Edmonds)
Not mentioned in tonight's hard news only Press Conference with The President of The United States in The East Room of The White House, was the information passed my way this afternoon by The White House Press Office. Despite one report stating otherwise, President Obama HAS NOT officially accepted Our Washington Nationals invitation to throw out The Presidential First Pitch on April 13th at Nationals Park.
Undoubtedly, The President wants to continue this Washington-Born Tradition now entering its 100th Year. And resurrected in The Nation's Capital by President Bush when The City Of Washington returned to Major League Baseball in 2005. But a heavy schedule and potential conflicts may be standing in the way. That doesn't mean President Obama is not coming to throw out The First Pitch. What it does say is that everyone is trying to find a way--to make it happen.
No, It's Not Official Yet.
But let's hope President Barack Obama can find the time to be at Nationals Park on April 13th at 3PM Eastern Time.
It'll be fine with me if he's not there.
He's a fan of a team in the Inferior League, and a TelePrompter can't help him throw a ceremonial pitch, anyway.
Poor Teddy. He turned his back on Washington's request to be the first tosser, calling baseball a mollycoddling game. (And thus, he forever sealed his 4th inning fate).
Obama is there for the home opener if he can. He's are a true sports fan, not afraid to say who he's pulling for or who he thinks will win.
If President Obama can find time to discuss his NCAA bracket on ESPN (you are in TV so you know this probably wasn't one take and took longer than what was aired), then he should find time to throw out the first pitch. It doesn't matter how long he stays at the game, but he should make the gesture since he and the First Lady have often talked about how they want to be a part of the DC community. I understand that national/world events could keep him from coming and of course take priority, but it will be a slap in the face to tradition if he goes to the White Sox opening day and not the Nats.
I would think that Mayor Fenty could be very instrumental in persuading the Big O to make the scene. The only drawback is that like last year it makes the wait to get into Nationals Park pretty long. But that is worth it to maintain the tradition. I was at D.C. Stadium when JFK threw out the first ball in 1962 and last year when W threw out first ball at Nationals Park.
Would be disappointing if he sends the Veep to do the honors, but that may be a way to accomodate competing interests.
Hope the Prez shows. This from someone who stands and applauds the President of the United States, regardless of whether I voted for him (or her!). I appreciate the fact that SBF has always understood the importance of the tradition and that should a president show, he be treated as an honored guest.
Baseball, despite steroids and other glaring black marks, is still the one sport truly interwoven within the fabric of the good old USA.
Trust in First in War, First in Peace, and Last in the American League. All then.
The president can find the time to do anything he wants. Heck, it's not like Nationals fans are asking him to fly across country. He should be here and he should do it, if only to make thousands of Virginians, Marylanders and DC residents happy. I don't care what party the president is from, he should continue this tradition.
If he throws out the first pitch later this year, but not on April 13th, I won't be too disappointed. I will be disappointed if he does not throw out the first pitch here on the 13th, but does so in Baltimore on April 6th.
I also hope the President honors the tradition and hope the fans honor the Position. SBF did you take the picture at the press conference?
DND: No, that's an AP Photo. I shoot video.
Not sure of exact dates, but I believe POTUS is slated to be in Mexico mid-April.
Mexico to visit Felipe Calderon on April 16th & 17th.
Just wanted to point out that the Washington Times report you linked to never claimed it was official.
The Nats home opener is going to be on Easter Monday. While I associate that date with the Easter Rising, in D.C. that's also the day the President lets kids on the White House lawn and has the Easter egg roll. Will Obama be able to do both the egg roll and go to the Nats home opener, too? If not, he may have to come to Nationals Park on another day.
If that is indeed the case, I will cheer Vice-President Biden (as I should have cheered his predecessor in 2006) or Mayor Fenty instead.
I'm considering buying tickets for opening day to bring myself and my three young daughters to the game. Surprisingly, great seats are still available as I write this on April 7th and I love the 3PM starting time for my kids. But I am reluctant to buy tickets if there will be a presidential appearance because I don't want to deal with the high levels of security screening that we will have to endure, adding up to an extra hour of waiting around time with a three-year-old.
I think it's going to be a good bet that Obama will be there and that is appropriate. He should be there. So, I will probably not buy tix unless I hear otherwise.
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