When Agent 99 first saw this item last month, she knew this was a gift that perfectly fit just one man--Radio Broadcaster Charlie Slowes. So late this morning around the practice fields in Viera, Agent 99 (alias The African Queen) bestowed upon Charlie a present perfectly fit for The Biggest Fan of Get Smart-- The1960's Spy Spoof Television Show.
Many times on the original television series, Maxwell Smart would start a sentence in explanation of one of his latest blunders with the phrase: "Would you believe....?" Well Agent 99 gave Charlie a "Would You Believe" Moment of his very own earlier today.
Since Spring Training 2008, Charlie & Sohna have shared their passion for Get Smart--and it's become a running joke between them. Yes, the Agent 86 of today (alias Charlie Slowes) has many times mentioned that he's calling Agent 99 on his shoe phone. So today, Agent 99 gave her counterpart a real, honest to goodness, boxed SHOE PHONE!! One that really, really works--even has Caller ID.
Charlie Loved It!! Immediately stating: "Although you know my son is going to want to keep it. It's just too cool of a gadget."
Yes, it doesn't get more perfect than that. But then, this shared moment got only better when new Washington First Base, Outfield and Baserunning Coach Marquis Grissom walked by carrying a USPS Priority Mail Box, surrounded by a pack of autograph seekers. Watching Grissom walk by in front of him, Charlie Slowes--never one to miss out on an opportunity to have even more fun--quipped: "Hey, I like to know if his box has a shoe phone in it too?!!"
Agent 99, Agent 86 and I all just busted out laughing.
Marquis Grissom--He had NO IDEA what we were laughing about. But he knew the laughter was directed toward him.
It was very, very funny.
Agent 99 can't wait for that first call from Agent 86 from his Real Shoe Phone.
The personal moments like this make coming to Spring Training most enjoyable. Charlie Slowes GETS the humor of all we do!!
All Photos--Copyright Nats320--All Rights Reserved
Hey SBF-
I know MASN will be broadcasting a couple of ST games. Will Charlie and Dave be calling any games? If so, do you know the schedule?
Charlie & Dave are here through, I believe, next Wednesday March 4th. They are doing all the games during that span on WFED. Broadcast time is 10 minutes before first pitch. There will be no pre-game show.
Agent 99 has a lot of class and looks to be enjoying her assignment. Keep an eye on Max!
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