Come Monday, all the brass for every Major League Team will post up in Orlando, Florida--Its the 2006 Winter Meetings. History has proven, more times than not, many General Managers come to wheel and deal--cause a "BUZZ" in the business, and hopefully improve their teams. And, with the current fairly mediocre Free Agent Class still receiving HUGE CONTRACTS from erstwhile spenders, those unwilling to shell out the dough, are looking to improve the old fashion way--horse trading.

Which means Washington Nationals General Manager, Jim Bowden, will be on the loose. What can we expect? Just that thought is scary for me. Before The Lerner Group took control, Jimbo's every move seemed to reflect his need to either preserve his then, current, temporary assignment with the Nats, or an audition for a new job (Boston Red Sox Vacancy), Granted, money was tight, but some of that money spent, was not wise--Cristian Guzman the prime example at 4 years--$16 million. Jimbo made the huge splash the last Winter Meetings with his much ballyhooed Alfonso Soriano Trade, hated by many in DC, including me, at the time. But, it turned out fine for Washington, despite Soriano leaving for the Cubs last week via Free Agency (If we only had Ryan Zimmerman in 2006, how much worse would the season have been?).

But, since the far more patient, Stan Kasten became President of Our Washington Nationals, Jim Bowden has been far less in the public eye, almost like he's on a tight leash. It seems Mr. Kasten has brought all Nats business off the streets of public consumption. That's OK with me. Although, Bowden still has a penchant for his former Team, Cincinnati, and, what seems, an underlying drive to take every last talented player from the Reds that he personally drafted or traded for--Mr. Kasten seems to have reeled Bowden in. This past summers trade of Bill Bray and Gary Majewski to Cincinnati for Austin Kearns, Felipe Lopez and Ryan Wagner, actually may turn out well. But, the latest ridiculous rumor of Chad Cordero to Boston for former Red--Willy Mo Pena, nothing short of stupid. If that trade were ever made, Jimbo should be fired.

Mr. "Pitching, Pitching, Pitching" always seems to trade pitchers to receive more everyday players in return. Its time to find some starters, nothing else. Bowden can be very creative at times, when making trades, so, What Will He Do NEXT?

For the upteenth billionth time, Nats Management has sent out the word to Bill Ladson, at Nationals.com that Ryan Church is once again in their doghouse. Ladson, more than happy to blast Ryan once again--trash him to no end ( I can't imagine what Ladson will do for filler when Church is no longer a National). All a possible set up for a trade for pitching next week. Who else is potentially going?

Jose Vidro is definitely on the trading block, as he's been for some time. I can't see the Nats moving him for anything good--unless they are just dumping salary. But, at this point, does Jose's salary really matter? Its a moot point. Washington is going to be on the bottom half side of team payroll for 2007. Vidro is more valuable in Spring Training and early in the season as backup for a recovering Nick Johnson. If Jose plays well, and comes out strong--teams might be willing to give up something better, then.

I am sure many out there would love for "THE GUZ" to be shipped out. Not going to happen, until he proves he's healthy. Guzman is a far better shortstop than FLop, better range, better arm, good style points too. As much as I disliked him in 2005 (everyone in Section 320 can attest to that), there is no way he could be that bad again. No way.

Larry Broadway is two years younger than Nick Johnson, has good power, not as sharp in the field as Nick. Broadway has some buzz to him. I can see him traded for pitching. Other than that--there's not much else. Would anyone really want Bernie Castro?, Frank Diaz? We really have little to offer. Those two couldn't return much in pitching, at all. Would Bowden consider trading Austin Kearns for the right offer? I would. Even FLop. I have read where alot of folks would like to see John Patterson moved, because of his constant injury problems. We need Number 22, he's just the type of guy in the rotation the Nats are looking for to take the mound and give innings. If JP played for any other team right now, you could bet Jimbo would be all over him, trying to sign him, and hopefully see his career turn around. The Nats have nothing to lose with Patterson. This is the way it is, for the 2007 Season, with Our Washington Nationals.

We need pitching, and only pitching. Maybe nothing overly special is available for what we have to trade, but if, Jimbo is creative, he can find away to get 2 inning eater starters--without giving away every decent youngster. Just Caretaker Pitchers, while the talent grows on the farm.

The Nats are not going to win anything in the near future, and I am fully behind the building from within mantra, but we do need competent starters to take the ball to the mound, each and every day, right now. Otherwise, its going to be very hard to watch MY WASHINGTON NATIONALS IN 2007.

Come ON JIMBO!! MAKE ME HAPPY!! Get Creative, just don't give away the entire store, to cause some BUZZ!!
PS--JIMBO: The African Queen needs a new player to cheer for and put her fanny in the seat, as much as last year. Her love, Alfonso Soriano, is gone. She always has her boyfriend, SCREECH, but a New Favorite Nats Player would be most helpful. Any assistance would be most appreciated. Section 320's MsZimmy already claims Ryan, so he's out of the picture.
While I do love Zimmy, I am always willing to share him. :)
Also, JP (John Patterson) is my #2 man on the team. I cannot wait to see him pitch more than one game in 2007.
I agree though. We need another exciting player to cheer for. And we need not trade away JP or "the Chad" as I call him (even though I actually don't like Chad so much, he is a great closer, despite his recklessness at times).
At this point, especially with the various rumors, I am quite nervous about Jimbo's upcoming moves. I am crossing my fingers that he doesn't make any bonehead moves that put the 2007 in jeopardy. Here's hoping Kasten can keep him in check.
Bowden on the loose next week? I doubt it as I suspect Daddy Kasten has him on a very short leash. At least, I hope so. I don't want to see any Bob Short type trades.
Phil: You better believe Mr.Kasten better have him on a short leash. Although, one Texas Source is claiming the Rangers and looking to trade for Ladson's Best Friend--Ryan Church.
mszimmy: I need to get in touch with you somehow--The African Queen and I have something for you and JohnnieDamon
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