We have a tremendous amount of fun in Section 320. So much so that many kids get a total kick out of all the Cheers, Singing and, of course, Visits by Screech. But, no youngster has enjoyed Section 320 more than Abby. Abby is the daughter of Becky and Mike--regulars in 320. At one time, Abby was well known for singing the "JOSE" Song each of every moment of the day--waiting for the School Bus--before going to bed each night!! All The Time. We all loved hearing that story. During the last game of the season, Mike was one of those fortunate to win a "SHIRT OFF THE BACK" of a Washington National--getting to walk onto the field, with Abby, to receive a Micah Bowie Jersey, personally from Number 59. As the 2006 season concluded--Abby, Becky and Mike have missed everything Nats and recently incorporated Our Washington Nationals into their Halloween Fun.

Here's their story, as told by Abby, Becky & Mike:
We can't believe that the 2006 season is over. What a great year of experiences. Being part of the 320 crowd is a blast. Can't you just hear the "Swing that Stick NICK!!! and RALLY TIME" echoing throughout the stadium. My daughter Abby keeps asking when we can go to the game. I subconsciously get on 295 North to head to the stadium. We give exploding knucklebumps each morning at the bus stop on the way to kindergarten.
So many memories from the season. Screech visits, a 40/40 year, the rise of a rookie phenom. A single chance at a foul ball (oh well), Stan Kasten visits, Abby running the bases during the Diamond Dash, meeting the players entering the stadium, Frank's Farewell, winning a Micah Bowie's jersey and too many others to mention.

We are definitely suffering from Nats withdrawl. We figured there was only one thing to do. Nationals-ize all of our holidays. We had a great Halloween- Abby as a cheerleader and Becky and I in our Nationals gear. (Funny note- when one of the little boys in our group showed up as Spiderman, Abby could be heard singing "Schneider Man-Schneider Man")
Our new holidays include:
Thanksgiving for Zimmerman walk off home runs. Is there anything to be more thankful for?
Christmas- We have sent Santa a wish list for a free agent starting pitcher
Hannukah- Since the tradition is for smaller gifts day after day, we are looking for minor league talent with players to be named later.
Valentines Day has been changed to Curly W Day as there is nothing we love more.
St Patrick's Day will remain the same. Can't mess with perfection- I am sure (RallyTime) Richard agrees.
We are going to combine New Years/Easter and Opening Day as they are the start of all of the fun!
Last but not least- we are petitioning for our new holiday "Pitchers and Catchers Reporting Day".
Let's Go Nats!!!!
Becky, Mike and Abby
Screech'sBestFriend: Good Stuff!! I just can't wait to see Jordan (Mrs. Brian Schneider) to let her know about her boy's song being sung during Halloween. Her facial response would truly be priceless. Its nice to know that between The African Queen, Myself, MickNats, SenatorNat, Ms.Zimmy, Johnnie Damon and "The Noise Boys" (RallyTimeRichard, SeyHeyKlib, NatsDelNegro and KentuckyRob) we have yet to corrupt Abby--although, I am sure, if she was allowed, she would easily become The Ringleader!!
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